Baseball Australia (BA) have confirmed they will work towards hosting a National Youth Women’s Championship in 2023 with dates and location to be released by BA in the near future. 

The Youth Women’s team will provide an extension of the State program pathway to a younger cohort of emerging talent, providing them an opportunity for best on best play. This opportunity has led to the re-evaluation of the objectives of the Women’s Development team and the determination to discontinue the Women’s Development team.

While the Women’s Development team initiative has served its purpose in exposing more athletes to higher level playing experiences; the Showcase event, the off season development programs, Women’s Futures League, the Barclay Cup and now the Australian Youth Women’s Championship combine to provide a more wholistic pathway for women and girls in our sport in Queensland.

Baseball Queensland remains committed to growing the women’s game and will continue to review all our pathway programs to ensure our player development programs remain fit for purpose.