Due to Covid-19 and the restrictions placed on community sport we are preparing to readjust the schedule on our training seminars for Little League and Association (Level 1) umpiring seminars.

To assist us in keeping you up to date and to help you in the downtime we have designed a questionnaire on the rules that cover Little League specific. The aim is to ensure that our umpires not only understand the rule when situations arise but to be confident in the interpretation and to know where to find the rule reference when necessary.

We would ask that you use your rule book to answer these questions so that you can learn as you go. If you do not have a rule book or cannot find the online rules please contact Barry Foat at sdull@qbua.org.

The QBUA will be extending accreditation for next season for umpires whose accreditation expires this season. The requirement to receive the extension is to complete the above questionnaire.

We encourage all umpires to partake in the questionnaire as part of the Baseball Australia Umpire development training program requirement and also to enhance your own knowledge of the rules.

Everyone should have completed either the old Level 0 or the new Community Level umpire seminar.

To complete the community program and be accredited you need to have completed The AIS General Principles Course and the Level 0 or Community Umpire Exam.

If you have not completed the above, you will need to do so prior to completing the questionnaire. Links below:

Have you completed the AIS General Principles Course?


Have you completed the exam?

Little League (Community) Exam?

If you haven’t done both of these then this would need to be done prior to doing the questionnaire.

To completes the questionnaire please head to the QBUA website.
