The Annual General Meeting of Baseball Queensland will be held on Thursday 3 December 2020 from 7:00pm at Sports House, 150 Caxton St, Milton QLD. A Zoom session invitation will be extended to those Member Delegates from remote centres. Zoom Session details will be circulated to Delegates directly.


a) record of attendance, confirmation of Proxies; and
b) confirmation of minutes from previous AGM; and
c) the Board of Management and Chief Executive Officer’s report for the preceding financial year; and
d) the financial report of Baseball Queensland for the preceding financial year; and
e) the auditor’s report upon the books and accounts for the preceding financial year; and
f) the election of Baseball Queensland’s Commissioner; and
g) the election of two members (Directors) for a three year appointment to the Board of Management; and
h) the election of one member (Director) for a two year appointment to the Board of Management; and
i) the appointment of an auditor for the following year; and
j) general business as required.

Baseball Queensland hereby calls for nominations for candidates for election to the Board of Directors for Baseball Queensland. Nominations are to be submitted to the Chief Executive Officer [email protected] by no later than COB 5 November 2020. Please note that nominations need to be submitted on Form A – Page 18 of the BQ Constitution.
Candidates are also asked to review the Information available from the link below and complete the Skills Matrix and Profile available from the link below.

Please submit the Skills Matrix/Profile with each nomination as this will assist the Members to understand the skills and experience each Candidate has to offer.
By order of the Board of Management

Please also find attached information for potential Director Candidates as attached. These resources are also available from this link on the BQ website:

Gareth Jones
Interim Chief Executive officer
