2023/24 Summer Recruitment Review

2023/24 Summer Recruitment Review

What was done well and where can we improve – Summer Recruitment 2023/24

The 2023/24 Summer Recruitment season has wrapped up, with GBL and GCBA being a third of the way into their respective competitions and Sunshine Coast reaching finals for their Spring season. Collectively, we’ve seen an increase in memberships for Summer and there are still plenty of takeaways and areas for improvement heading into Winter 2024 and Summer 24/25.

Start Early and Plan

The deciding factor in how successful of a recruitment period you have is your planning. It is important to decide early on what you’re leading to.

The steps:


1. Identify a Recruitment Coordinator early.

2. Identify your Come and Try days.

  • This is your target for every other initiative to link into. You’ll want to run multiple catering to different audiences and at different times – be accessible.
  • It may then help to organise pre-season trainings alongside/after these events.

3. Define your strategy.

  • Identify your local schools and their contacts early, lock in clinics ASAP and coordinate with BQ Game Development to ensure they’re appropriately staffed.
  • Identify community events or groups that you can engage with.
  • Can you work with local politicians to advertise with them/at their events?
  • Can you approach businesses for corporate teams or other partnerships in your local area.
  • Are you effectively utilising digital recruitment strategies?

4. Define responsibilities.

  • Try to assign tasks to peoples strengths and get as many people helping out as possible.
  • Avoid overlap when delegating tasks to reduce conflicts and areas where “I thought they were doing X”

5. Execute

  • Follow through on your plan. Complete tasks when you’ve identified for them to be completed.

6. Adapt and Review

  • Adapt and continually look to take advantage of new opportunities as they arise. Reach as many people as possible.
  • Review the success of your initiatives once each stage wraps up, with a final review once the season is underway to work out where you need to focus more on or learn more about before next season.

School Clinics

Organise early and build it into your overall strategy. Term 3 is busy, it’s also the main period for Summer recruitment for multiple sports. So, engage with your local schools early, build out a list of contacts at each school and keep it within the committee for future years.

The all-new BQ School Ambassador program is building a list of contacts at schools around the state, so make sure to liaise with the BQ Game Development Manager, as there may be direct Sport/PE contacts at your local schools. Take advantage of BQ Development Officers (DO’s), however, you need to organise this early – there is a limited pool of DO’s and they can only be in so many places at once.

We also offer free hire of equipment kits. Make sure to book them early to ensure you have them when you need them.

Brisbane North clubs did school clinics really well, out of 74 members that identified school clinics as the method they found Baseball, 60 of them were at Brisbane North clubs.


Take Full Advantage of Digital Opportunities

Thanks to Game Day, we know that almost 20% of members said they heard about Baseball through Social Media and Search Engines.

The importance of a current, up-to-date, search engine-optimised websites and social media suites is incredibly important to an effective recruitment period.


Your website is like a funnel, it catches all of that random traffic flow from the internet. Catching search engine traffic is important. If you don’t have anyone tech savvy, a basic website will function well and can direct members to your social media pages or to club contact details.

As a note: the old <club>.baseball.com.au websites can be redirected or deleted. If you’d like this to occur, please reach out to nick.wyllie@baseballqld.asn.au for assistance. This can be useful to ensure that new members are being directed to your most up-to-date website.

Include registration and season information on your website. People need to know when the season stars and when it ends, they’ll also want to know the costs involved and if you can, provide them with information on how long the games are for their age group, how far they might need to travel. The more information you provide, the more certain they’re going to be when it comes time to register.

Social Media

Ensure that your social media is up to date as well! Not just Facebook, all of your accounts. Facebook and Instagram allow you to post to both at the same time – so do it.

Utilise paid advertising to reach members that will never see your normal posts. Unpaid reach, especially on Facebook, is terrible – paid reach on Facebook will get you seen by thousands (likely parents).

Short form video content (approx. 7 second videos) work the best on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube Shorts – punchy, short, sharp and engaging videos. You won’t need to pay to boost these, and they’ll typically be reaching younger audiences.

Facebook is typically for the parents and grandparents – Instagram and TikTok are mixed, skewing towards younger audiences – YouTube is a bit of everyone. Take advantage of all of these platforms. Content you make for one can typically be used for the others, don’t make more work for yourself. (Customised content will always be better, but you’ll need someone who knows their stuff and I honestly do not)


Make sure you’re responding to emails, identify your most responsive person or people and ensure that all email queries are being actively responded to. (CC everyone in to make sure anyone else that received it knows it’s been responded to)

Send out an email to last years’ members to invite them back! You can consider offering early bird discount codes, which can be facilitated through Game Day.

Involve those returning members by including your goals for the season, how the committee want to build on the previous year and anything you’re doing differently. (Ideally responding to feedback you’ve collected!) Make the members feel valued and they’ll want to come back.

Remove barriers – don’t add them.

You should never be adding hoops for potential members to jump through. Have them register directly through the Game Day portal at your earliest opportunity. If you can assist them through the process at a Come and Try day, you’ll be golden.

Don’t add extra EOI forms if you can avoid it. If you can’t get them to register straight away, that’s when you collect their contact details to be able to follow them up and invite them back to your next event or pre-season training. Keep them engaged!

Targeting specific groups

Sometimes making people feel comfortable enough to try is your best recruitment strategy. Consider offering a Female only Come and Try and/or an U12s Come and Try.

Clubs that offer a Female Come and Try day tend to enter more teams in those competitions, while specifying age groups for your Come and Try days allows you to control numbers and create safe environments where people are trying the game with others of their age.

Create capacity – don’t restrict it.

There’s a natural capacity at every club, with field space being the primary limitation. You can always find more coaches, introduce incentives, and get people trained up. Understand your current demand and prepare for more next season, even if you don’t increase in members, you’ll have increased in potential volunteers!

Work with your existing and experienced coaches to mentor new coaches throughout the season, you could partner with local clubs or work with your region to organise regional coaching development courses. Encourage and accommodate accreditation opportunities; work with QBUA and QBS, and surrounding clubs, to build your collective officials base.

Game Day

  1. Make sure your club products are mandatory, there were several situations where clubs had products that were optional and had to then chase members for fees.
  2. Ensure there is no overlap in the ages of your products – e.g. U16s, U18s or U20s does not overlap with Adult Seniors
  3. Understand what recruitment initiatives are working. This is why we have the “How did you hear about us?” question on the registration forms; here’s the 2023/24 Summer data:
Existing Member Social Media Search Engine Friend, Colleague, etc. Publication School clinic Community Event
Numbers 2566 260 431 695 39 74 97

As you can see, a large majority of members found baseball through word of mouth, search engines and social media. Digital presence is key – while school clinics needs to see a major improvement!

Conversion Events

Come and Try days are incredibly important!

It goes back to what I said earlier, if you can’t make people comfortable enough to try, they won’t even give you a chance.

Ensuring that you have an appropriate spread of Come and Try opportunities, whether that’s targeted events, fun carnivals, or mini pre-season tournaments – you decide. Make sure there’s opportunity at different times and different days. If you have lights, offer a weeknight Come and Try, or an information session at your batting cage where you can setup a tee or do some soft toss.

As mentioned before, also offer some targeted events. Whether it’s a few hours at the start or end of your main Come and Try or a specific weeknight or weekend event that is for Women, Juniors, Masters, etc.

Make people comfortable, and give them an opportunity to try.

Take advantage of the inflatable batting tunnel which BQ hires out to clubs free of charge. Make sure to book it early!


Ensuring that your club engages in planning early will lead to a cohesive, targeted, and thorough recruitment process that expands upon your clubs’ reach into the local community.

Make sure to engage in School Clinics, they can be an extremely effective tool, BQ offers support in engaging with schools, renting equipment and providing staff. Engage with the BQ Game Development Manager early.

Take full advantage of social media, your club website and direct emails to members.

New Life Member: Tony Lynch

New Life Member: Tony Lynch

In a heartwarming tribute to an individual who has dedicated over half a century to the world of baseball in Queensland, Baseball Queensland proudly welcomes Tony Lynch as its newest Life Member.

Tony’s remarkable journey through the sport has been nothing short of extraordinary, and it is with great honour and unanimous support from the Brisbane South Region that we recognise his outstanding contributions.

Tony Lynch’s illustrious baseball odyssey commenced in 1958 when he first stepped onto Holloway Field, proudly wearing the Pepsi Pirates’ colours (now known as the Windsor Royals). Little did the baseball community know that this marked the beginning of a legendary career.

Throughout his tenure, Tony achieved milestones that continue to inspire and resonate with all who share a passion for the game. As a player, he represented Queensland with distinction in the following years:

  • 1962 & 1963: U16 Queensland Team
  • 1964: A grade debut for Windsor Royals
  • 1967, 1968, 1970, 1971, and 1973: Queensland senior team in the Claxton Shield

However, Tony’s contributions extended far beyond the diamond. He transitioned into a dedicated coach, nurturing young talents and instilling the values of teamwork and determination. His coaching career included:

  • Coaching at Indians baseball club from 1985 to 1998
  • Playing for the Musketeers Expos Masters team at the Australian Masters in 1996
  • Serving on the coaching staff of the University of Queensland Women’s softball team from 1998 to 2000
  • Playing for the Interport Masters from 1999 to 2009
  • Being a part of the U16 Queensland coaching staff from 2000 to 2003
  • Heading the Algester State School Softball team as the head coach from 2015 to 2019

Tony’s accolades didn’t stop there. In 2019, he was rightfully awarded Life Membership at Indians Baseball Club, and in 2020, he received the Member of the Year title from the same club. He has also played a vital role in guiding Brisbane South Teams in State Titles, coaching from U8 to U16 levels.

Tony Lynch’s commitment to the sport is best described as unwavering. He continues to actively contribute to Indians and Brisbane South, where he plays a pivotal role in the rejuvenation of junior teams. His wealth of knowledge, dedication, and his enduring love for the game make him an exceptional addition to our special committee.

Baseball Queensland is immensely proud to grant Tony Lynch the Life Membership, a well-deserved recognition for a lifetime dedicated to the sport. We honour his exemplary service and celebrate his positive impact on the Queensland baseball community.

Thank you, Tony Lynch, for your remarkable journey, and we look forward to many more years of your invaluable contributions to the sport we all hold dear.

For the full list of Life Members, please Click Here.

September BQ Award Winners

September BQ Award Winners

In our continuous effort to acknowledge and celebrate excellence within the realm of baseball in Queensland, we are delighted to introduce the Monthly BQ Awards. This initiative represents our commitment to recognising exceptional achievements, sportsmanship, and contributions that significantly impact the baseball community.

With an array of exceptional nominations for September, we proudly unveil the following monthly award winners!

Congratulations to the following:


Administrator of the Month: TONY MCPHAIL

Coach of the Month: BRET BUCKLAND

Scorer of the Month: DANICA TROTTER

Umpire of the Month: ALISHA JEWRY

Volunteer of the Month: AARON FYFE

To read their nominations, click here.



Nominations are now open for October and close on the 23rd November 2023.

Chris Norrie, Andrea Marshall, and Daniel White Secure Re-election as Directors of Baseball Queensland

Chris Norrie, Andrea Marshall, and Daniel White Secure Re-election as Directors of Baseball Queensland

The recent Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Baseball Queensland (BQ) has concluded with the re-election of Chris Norrie, Andrea Marshall, and Daniel White as Directors of the organisation.

Chris Norrie, having successfully steered the organisation on the path of its current strategic plan, has been re-elected as Commissioner for his second successive three-year term. Norrie’s leadership has been instrumental in shaping the vision and direction of Baseball Queensland, and his re-election reflects the confidence and trust the members place in his strategic acumen.

Andrea Marshall has secured her second successive three-year term, continuing to head up the Equity Diversity and Inclusion portfolio for Baseball Queensland. Marshall’s commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive baseball community has been exemplary, and her re-election reaffirms the organisation’s dedication to promoting equality within the sport.

Daniel White, who initially filled a casual vacancy, has been re-elected to continue his vital work leading the Heritage Advisory Panel. White’s dedication to preserving and promoting the rich heritage of baseball in Queensland has played a crucial role in maintaining the organisation’s historical integrity and reigniting the popular annual Hall of Fame and Awards Dinner.

The re-election of these individuals underscores the commitment of Baseball Queensland to stability, continuity, and continued excellence in the development and promotion of baseball across the region. The AGM provided an opportunity for members to voice their support for the ongoing efforts of these Directors and their dedication to the sport.

Baseball Queensland looks forward to the future under the continued guidance of Chris Norrie, Andrea Marshall, and Daniel White, confident in their ability to lead the organisation to even greater achievements.

Related News: Rod Gaunt Acknowledged for Outstanding Contributions to Baseball QueenslandBrad Parson’s to Join the BQ Board

a: 2.02 Sportshouse, 150 Caxton St, Milton, 4064

p: (07) 3217 5072  |  e: admin@baseballqld.asn.au

ABN 91 683 142 548

APBC Australia vs Japan

APBC Australia vs Japan

Event:  Asia Professional Baseball Championship
Location: Tokyo Dome, Japan
Dates: 16-19 November 2023

Read more about Team Australia Baseball HERE.

If you’re in Australia, you can watch live and free via Baseball+. There is a mobile app as well as a web platform. Both can cast to your TV. Download and register here.

APBC Australia vs Chinese Taipei

APBC Australia vs Chinese Taipei

Event:  Asia Professional Baseball Championship
Location: Tokyo Dome, Japan
Dates: 16-19 November 2023

Read more about Team Australia Baseball HERE.

If you’re in Australia, you can watch live and free via Baseball+. There is a mobile app as well as a web platform. Both can cast to your TV. Download and register here.

APBC Australia vs South Korea

APBC Australia vs South Korea

Event:  Asia Professional Baseball Championship
Location: Tokyo Dome, Japan
Dates: 16-19 November 2023

Read more about Team Australia Baseball HERE.

If you’re in Australia, you can watch live and free via Baseball+. There is a mobile app as well as a web platform. Both can cast to your TV. Download and register here.

2023 Queensland U18 Roster

2023 Queensland U18 Roster

We are proud to present the 2023 Queensland U18 Roster.

Congratulations to the 20 talented players who will proudly represent Queensland at the Australian Youth Championships in January. 

2023 queensland u18 roster

#05 Wesley WILFORD
#09 Charlie PIETSCH
#11 Jhett WOLLIN
#13 Caesar GARDINER
#15 Liam KIDDLE
#18 Bailey MCDONOUGh
#23 Zye CARR
#24 Caleb DUKE
#25 Logan BLACKMAN
#26 Lachlan JONES
#30 Ty IDDON
#50 Casey DRUERY
#65 Jake SCOTT
#79 Hayden DINGLI
manager: DAVID BADKE  |  eo/assistant coach: #31  kEITH LAND
assistant coach: #34 DAN WILSON