Preparing for Recruitment Season

Preparing for Recruitment Season

How Should you approach your next recruitment season?

The recruitment process is your clubs biggest opportunity each year. It’s an opportunity for growth, for investment, for identification of volunteers – it’s everything. It is the setup for your season in every way.

An effective recruitment period will be well planned and delegated. A recruitment ‘committee’ with each person responsible for a specific and independent function. Any shared tasks are completed early and together where possible, with review points throughout the delivery of your recruitment process.

This article is intended to step through the Recruitment process, including ensuring your club has a basic digital presence, how best to approach planning, what strategies you can implement (including School Clinics), leading into Conversion Events (Come and Try days, galas, scrimmage games and pre-season trainings) as well as ensuring that you’re best positioned to convert registrations.

Want Even more Reading? Start with the 2023/24 Summer Recruitment Review

Start by Evaluating your Clubs Digital Presence

What does that even mean?

The world is continually becoming more technology centered. In fact, in 2021, there was an average of 20.5 internet-connected devices per household in Australia – with forecasts indicating that number could reach 33.8 by 2025. [Source]

Your club should be digitally accessible. This means that a new member can gather all the details they need to make an informed decision within a few clicks.


Your website is a funnel – 20% of members in SEQ for the 2023/24 season found Baseball through Social Media and Search Engines – you want to be able to capture that 20%. You don’t need anything fancy for your website but it does need to be easy to read and easy to use.

There’s a number of resources available for you to review when setting up your Club’s website. The Communications Planner and Websites pages on Club Hub have content breakdowns and the Checklist allows you to make adjustments to your existing website – or form a basis for development of a new one.



Can your committee easily and readily share information as needed? Can any committee member find answers to questions they receive?

Look to acquire a Not-for-Profit license to Office365 or Google Workspace to provide your club with email addresses (you can use your domain! e.g. and online file storage.

Ensure your pages are up-to-date with the appropriate contact details and link direct to the registration information page of your website.

If you have any passionate videographers or media students, consider asking them to setup a TikTok page and create content for the club. This helps them build a portfolio, and your club to build an online presence.

The Initial Plan

The main goal with your initial plan is defining a timeline and a budget. The rest can be filled in as you progress.

This is where you identify your team and allocate responsibilities or define areas each volunteer is interested in assisting with.

Recruitment Strategies

This is the key section.

The strategies that you utilise will define how wide your reach (how many people see your advertising) and what age groups you’ll see attending your Come and Try days.

Digital Strategies

Sending Emails – Existing Members

Game Day is your database and you’ve got hundreds of contacts. Utilise your existing member base as your first point of contact when setting up for a new season.

Initial email allows you to do one of two things: Offer Early Bird Registration Discounts and seek Volunteers to assist with recruitment activities. You may even offer discounted fees based on volunteering.

Investigate doing a Newsletter – you decide the frequency – but the goal is keeping your members in the loop on projects and activities around the club, building a sense of community and inclusion. Demonstrate changes and feedback that’s been taken on board.

Satisfied members will increase your membership through word of mouth too, so don’t leave them out.

Responding to Emails – New Members

Ensure that you have someone responding to emails!! The contact details included with recruitment information should be someone responsive. Not everyone will contact you via phone call.

Provide relevant information and invite them to attend pre-season events.

Check that your Website is Up-to-date

Make sure that your website is up-to-date with the next season’s information – updated fees, any changes to age groups, game times, etc.

Update the Banner on your Home Page to display upcoming Come and Try days or advertise that registrations for the next season are now open. Link to your Registrations Information page. 

Social Media

Ensure your pages are up-to-date with the appropriate contact details and link direct to the registration information page of your website.

If you have any passionate videographers or media students, consider asking them to setup a TikTok page and create content for the club. This helps them build a portfolio, and your club to build an online presence.

PAID Advertising. It works, trust me.

Pine Hills dropped approximately $500 into the below ad and it paid off. Pine Hills expanded to 15 teams across T-Ball, Rookie Ball and Little Leagues Division 1-3 this year.

The Pine Hills ad works especially well because it’s simple, eye catching and presents the most important information in the image, backed up by a bit more of a text based description.

You don’t have to drop $500, you can still run a decently effective campaign with 1/5th ($100).

Traditional Media

This is still an advertising method!

Build contacts and get feel-good stories written about successes within your club, a long-time volunteer, a junior with big dreams, or a player who dedicates their time to the community (RFS, SES, Emergency Services, etc.). Newspaper, Radio, TV, they’re all still options if you present a good enough story!

Take advantage of council-owned billboards at Community Centres or Public Spaces, Public Signage, Billboards, Community Notice Boards. (e.g. in your local Coles or supermarket, Community centres, PCYC)


Physical Strategies

School Engagement

Schools present a major opportunity for engagement:

  • School Newsletters
  • Accessing Schools Local Business Networks
  • School Clinics

Baseball Queensland now has the School Ambassador Program, so reach out to to see if we’ve got contacts at a school near you.

Schools have newsletters and local networks that you may be able to take advantage of to get your message out to the community. Please be weary, some schools charge for space in their newsletters.

School Clinics are a surefire way of getting in front of potential members. Aim to target grades 1-4, as these translate well into your T-Ball, Rookie Ball age groups. You can push up to Year 6, which is Little League as well. High Schools typically result in much lower conversion rates but if an opportunity arises, take advantage of it!

Please check out the BQ School Clinics Doc linked under the photo. Each club is offered 5 days of BQ-staffed clinics each year, you organise the clinic and we’ll organise the staff.

Make sure to work with our Game Development Manager to ensure that we can staff your clinics. Historically clubs organise their clinics last minute and all for the same dates.


Community Engagement


  • Engaging local community groups, such as PCYCs
    • Delivering programs with local PCYCs
  • Building relationships with organisers of local markets, fairs, fetes and shopping centres
    • Attend markets, fairs and fetes to get your name and brand out there, these can also be effective fundraising tools as well
  • Building relationships with organisations interested in entering corporate teams
    • Some organisations fully fund or subsidise their staff to play in community sport, so you may get a few players or an entire sponsored team.
  • Partner with another local sports club (alternate season)
    • Special offers for partner club players.
  • Build relationships with local Universities or Tafe Campuses
    • Offer discounted registrations for students
    • Potential to look at a full team of students as well

The opportunities are truly endless, partnerships can develop into sponsorships if handled correctly.

Take Advantage of Council Opportunities
  • Signage, billboards and community centres are great ways of getting (usually free) visibility
  • Local politicians are great for advertising, but are also integral to develop relationships with (funding!)

Some councils offer programs or host events that your club can utilise to reach the local community.

Logan City Council run a KRANK program – which encourages community organisations to provide low-cost activities during school holidays.

Townsville City Council run a Get Active Sign On day each year where your club can setup a stall and advertise to residents looking for their next sporting club.

Conversion Events

All the progress and hard work can go out the window at this step. Converting to a paid registration has to be an extremely simple process. If you make people jump through too many hoops, they’ll simply stop jumping.

The Basics around Registrations

Accept online registrations as soon as you can. Once BA and BQ have locked in their fees, your club fees should be locked, loaded and ready to go.

Offer direct links to your registration form on at least:

  • Your website (Registration Info page)
  • Your social media (Pinned posts + QR code in your Cover Photo)

Do not require players to fill out EOI forms just to receive a link to your registration form. This really only applies when you’re running a program that’s outside of your normal registration products where you need to gauge interest to know if the program is proceeding.

Alternatively, EOI forms are useful if capitations have not yet been posted but you’d like to start preparing for the season.

Conversion Events

Now you might be asking why I keep referring to them as Conversion Events and not Come and Try days, and that’s because a Come and Try day is just one of your options.

The Tips:

  • Run multiple events in the lead up to the season
  • Try to run some events that target specific demographics
    • g. T-Ball/Rookie Ball, Little League, Seniors, Womens and Masters
    • Cater each event to the target demographic – you might have additional fun activities for the Juniors, or the bar open for the Seniors, Masters and Womens (a meet your teammates style get together and try out)
  • Cover different timeslots where possible
    • Some people are available weekends, some are best for weeknights – cater to everyone

Come and Try Days

These are the standard, and you can make them as luxurious or basic as you like.

Variety of options across different times and days and targeted participation opportunities for Womens, Masters and Juniors.

Aiming to make people feel as comfortable as possible. Use role models from those specific markets – Female Players at Womens Come and Try days, etc.

View the Come and Try Guide by clicking the button below.

Pre-Season Carnivals and Festivals

In 2023, Townsville ran a Baseball Festival which included fun games of T-Ball, Baseball5, Skills and Drills, Home Run Derby and a Movie on the Infield.

This is the perfect way of getting old and new members down, same place, low pressure with a fun social element.

Pre-Season Scrimmage and Trainings

You can only run Come and Try days for so long, luckily Social Media advertising can be extended as needed.

You can target specific age groups to fill those final spots on teams and have players attend pre-season scrimmage games and trainings.

Idea for scrimmage games: Baseball with a Buddy

New players partnered with experienced players to learn positions in a mock-game.



Baseball Queensland is available to assist you in your recruitment planning and processes.

Game Development Manager

The Game Development Manager can assist in the organisation and staffing of School Clinics and running community based programs, such as partnerships with PCYC.

Club Support Coordinator

Nick Wyllie, the Club Support Coordinator, is happy to be super involved. He is able to provide your club with adaptable Canva templates for Social Media, Posters and other Media uses. Guide you on establishing Social Media marketing, seeking website hosting and design and more. Reach out and see where and how he can assist you.

Grant Support: Gambling Community Benefit Fund Application Walkthrough

Grant Support: Gambling Community Benefit Fund Application Walkthrough

Grant Applications Can be Daunting – so Let’s step through it together!

This is a summary of the information required to complete a Gambling Community Benefit Fund application. The GCBF is one of the easier grants to apply for, as the amount of detail required during the application process is minimal (when compared to certain other grants).

That doesn’t mean that you’re guaranteed to get funding when you apply, and it certainly doesn’t mean that the application process is going to take you a few hours.

For the best chance of success, you will still need to prepare and review your application in advance.

The information within this article is accurate as of January 2024.

Key to remember: If you’re not ready, you’re not ready. A rushed application will be very clear. Grants are typically awarded to projects that are ready to go.

What is the Gambling Community Benefit Fund?

The Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF) distributes approximately $60 million each year across 4x rounds. This grant is funded by Queensland gambling taxes.

Currently, these rounds consist of a $100,000 Super Round in February, and $35,000 Standard Rounds in May, August and October.

As incorporated entities, all current Baseball clubs and regions within Queensland are eligible to apply for funding through this grant.

You are able to apply the grant to a wide variety of projects, including events, equipment, facility improvements, marketing, installation of solar and machinery or vehicles.

As with most grants, you cannot apply for funding for items purchased prior to the approval of the grant, fees for services, operating costs or for use generating income.

Currently, the selection committee prioritises applications in order of top to bottom.

  1. Items/facilities directly affected, damaged or destroyed by a declared natural disaster in the last 2 years.
  2. Equipment or facility improvements
  3. Buses, cars, caravans, boats, tractors, trailers, large mowers, motorbikes and similar items.
  4. Community events, training, workshops, festivals, publications and website development.
  5. Organisations that have received more than $15,000 from the GCBF within the last 2 years.

For more information, please view the full guidelines linked below.

Step 1: Register to the Online Grants Portal or Update your Details

If your club/region does not have an account:

If your club/region already has an account:

Upon logging into the JAG Portal, you will be prompted to update your organisation’s details.

Ensure that this page is as up-to-date as possible, this includes updating:

  • Organisation Contact
  • Financial Position
    • Date of last audited financials
    • Income
    • Expenditure
    • Assets
    • Liabilities
    • Cash at Bank
    • Investments
  • Club Bank Details
    • This bank verification form must be completed. Click here.
  • Organisation Overview if not previously completed
  • Organisation President and Accountable Officer details

Step 2: Completing the APplication

Page 1

The first page of the application process is where you confirm your club details – this includes your Incorporated Organisation Number, Name, ABN and GST registration status.

You can search for your organisation number here:

You can search for your club’s ABN and GST status by searching the Government’s ABN Lookup page:

GST Status will be shown next to the “Goods & Services Tax (GST):” item under “ABN details.”

Page 2

Fill out your Application Contact Person and select whether or not you’re providing a financial or in-kind contribution to accompany this application.

Financial or in-kind contributions are generally required for grants and demonstrate value for money, need and commitment towards what you’re requesting money for. Contributions are not required for Gambling Community Benefit Fund applications, but if you have some spare cash and want to improve your chances, it is recommended.

Please note, when applying the contribution, you must exclude the contributed amount from the total. For example, if you’re seeking a masterplan for $50,000 and you’re contributing $15,000, you’ll only be requesting $35,000.

Page 3

This page identifies what you’re seeking funding for;

You’ll need to select the ‘Requested Item Category’ and you must list each item separately.

You don’t need brand names/specific product models/names/numbers, just a clear and concise item description.

If your club is registered for GST, list the item cost without GST included. (GST Exclusive)

If your club isn’t registered for GST, list the item cost with GST included. (GST Inclusive)


If any of the items you’re requesting are for a community event or workshop, select yes and designate what date the event will be held and whether or not it’s an annual event.

Be aware that the proposed event date must come after the outcome of the funding round is announced. In 2023, the February Super Round outcomes were delayed – try to avoid identifying a date within 6 months of the closing date.

It should also be noted that Priority 4 (Community events, training, workshops, festivals, publications and website development) are less likely to be funded. A large majority of funding is allocated to Priorities 1 and 2 each year.

Facility Improvements

Identify whether or not any of the items requested are for facility improvements.

Whether or not your organisation, another not-for-profit or council/government owns the property.

Page 4

Page 4 is the core of the application, so I’ve split it from the above accordion into slightly more detailed sections.


Defining the Benefit

How will the application benefit your organisation and the community?

Utilise the grant Guidelines to best sum up how your application will benefit the community.

Engage emotionally without telling a sob story – emphasise the outcomes, not just the literal opportunity for players to use the equipment, but the social benefit of you delivering baseball, delivering a sport. Keep it simple, your application and its outcomes should be clear and identifiable within a few sentences. Where possible, back up your answers with research, specific data and documentation.

Social connectedness, more opportunity for physical activity, improved public greenspace, inclusivity…

Potential Examples;

“The purchase of equipment will support the delivery of baseball, providing expanded capacity for participation”

“Requested equipment will directly benefit 330 players and 45 volunteers within suburb(s) and indirectly benefits the 6 clubs and 12 teams that travel to our facility to play each weekend. These members are heavily reliant on appropriate equipment. Based on historic data, our player retention and satisfaction is highest when delivering high quality training programs which are heavily reliant on the appropriate itemised equipment requested. Satisfied members encourage their friends, family and surrounding community to become members of our club. Driving participation and physical activity within our local community.”

“The proposed facility improvements increase accessibility as per X Australian Standards and enable participation in new market segments”

Externals and Income

Will this application provide benefit to more than one not-for-profit organisation, if successful?

Example: “Our club shares it’s facility with the local softball association, a majority of the requested equipment can be utilised by the softball club for their regular activities. Our region also utilises our facility and equipment to deliver regular representative team trials and trainings. This equipment will also be utilised to deliver programs and clinics with local schools.”

Will this application provide an opportunity for your organisation to generate income if successful?

Example: “We will be enabled to deliver market stalls at community gala days, anticipating a greater number of people interested in playing the sport. It will also provide enhanced experiences and increase the likelihood of retention of existing participants. Generating income, in both cases, through membership fees.”

Have you applied for funding for budget items listed in this application from any other sources?

Make sure you’re aware, the GCBF cannot be used to help with generating income, essentially, ensure that income generation isn’t the primary purpose for the project, it may however, be a secondary or side benefit:

  • help with generating income
    • subsidies (i.e. using the grant to acquire or gain eligibility for other grants or contributions)
    • sponsorship (i.e. using the grant to secure sponsorship for the organisation).
Natural Disaster

Is this application being submitted as a result of your organisation being affected by a natural disaster within the last two years?

I’m not sure what other questions may pop up when you click yes, but declared natural disasters are listed here:

Members and User Groups

How many paying members does your organisation currently have?

Note: paying – this constitutes players, you could include paying social members as well.

How many people access your organisations facilities or services annually?

They’re asking for an estimate, try to be accurate but don’t go overboard (or undersell).

If you want to calculate, look towards 1x spectator per child and .5x spectators per adult for each team you host.

Ensure to add in events numbers that you’ve hosted and factor in usage by other user groups as well.

What geographical area does your organisation cover?

Organisation Service Type


All referees listed may be contacted. Referees cannot be management committee members or accountable officer. Referees can’t be members of your organisation’s management committee, family members of the management committee, or people or businesses who will receive payment if the grant is approved.

They may be contacted at any time, so ensure they’re aware that you’ve named them as Referees and ensure that they have a basic understanding of what you’re applying for and what your organisation represents.

Page 5

You’re almost done – make sure that you’ve proof-read your application, ideally, you’ve also had someone else look over it.

Double and triple check that you’ve got all of the required documentation attached.

Finalise your application by answering the last two Yes or No questions, fill in your details as the declaration officer, agree to the terms and conditions and submit.


Step 3: Assessment Process

The GCBF doesn’t require that you submit quotes with your application, instead, they will request quotes from you during the assessment process.

If more information and/or quotes are requested, ensure that you provide everything requested promptly and ensure that you address all requests thoroughly.

The last thing you want to do is submit further information and then realise that you missed something requested or valuable.

Again, have someone double-check the information you’re submitting as an extra safety net against errors or ommissions.


Should you be successful, ensure that you’re aware of the information on the page linked below. Funding will be transferred within 14 days of the approval email.

Step 4: Acquittals

Information on acquitting your GCBF grant is available on this page:

Some key items to remember:

Each invoice or receipt must be scanned or photographed individually.

When saving scans/photos, name it using the invoice/receipt number.

If you have more than 15 invoices/receipts to acquit or you were granted more than $35,000, you must engage an external financial auditor to check your expenditure against the guidelines.

You may use some of the granted funds to cover the cost of the audit:

  • up to $500 for grants under $35,000
  • up to $1000 for grants over $35,000

You must keep all documents relating to the grant for 7 years.


Hopefully, this article helps you to plan out an application for the Gambling Community Benefit Fund. Ensuring that you’re setting yourself up for success well in advance of an upcoming round.

Maybe you’re less confident, and if so, there’s support available:

For advice and support through the application process, reach out to Baseball Queensland’s Club Support Coordinator,

If you’re seeking quotes, have a look at the Supplier Database, you may find an additional organisation that can provide you quotes on your project.

Alternatively, CPR Group is Baseball Queensland’s preferred Governance provider. They can assist with Grant Writing.

Information on their services can be found here:

Jake Ferguson: From Queensland to Kansas

Jake Ferguson: From Queensland to Kansas

Q&A with Jake Ferguson on His Path, Memories, and Future Aspirations

In the dynamic world of baseball, Jake Ferguson’s journey emerges as a vivid portrayal of commitment, skill, and the unwavering support of the baseball community in Queensland. Having previously played at the 2020 Australian Youth Championships and clinched gold with his team, Jake is now back in the USA, gearing up to start the Spring Season at Cowley College, Kansas. As he continues to leave his mark, his impact extends far beyond the field, resonating with aspiring players and the broader baseball community.

Q1: Can you take us back to the beginning of your baseball journey? What drew you to the sport, and at what age did you first step onto the diamond?

My baseball journey began shortly after moving to Queensland from WA where I played a bit of T-ball. Looking for a summer sport, we found a local baseball club (Wests bulldogs ) just down the road from my house. I always had a love for baseball, being born in Texas and watching it a lot as a kid, but it wasn’t till I was 12 that I began playing.

Q2: Share a bit about your playing days in Australia. Which clubs did you play for?

I initially stated playing baseball at Wests Bulldogs, were I played up until I was about 15. I then made the move to Pine Hills Lighting for my u18 seasons as well as to play A grade.

Q3: Could you share insights into your current endeavours?

I’m currently at Cowley County CC in Arkansas city, Kansas as a freshman. I’m studying physical therapy, as well as getting better each day within such a fantastic program under an excellent coaching staff and playing alongside a loaded class.

Q4: Reflecting on your journey so far, could you pinpoint a few standout moments?

Without hesitation the most memorable moment of my baseball journey thus far has been representing team Australia at the u18 world cup in Florida. The entire process from getting selected at the state title tournament after I fractured my hand in game, was a race against time to rehab my hand, an extremally rewarding process to be selected in each stage of the process to make the final 20man. Some other honourable mentions would be winning gold at the 2020 AYC with the Queensland state team and going 14-0 to start the fall season at Cowley.

Q5: How did the Baseball Queensland pathways contribute to your growth, both as a player and an individual?

BQ had a massive impact on my pathway and growth as both a player and a person. Initially I started out in the Athlete Development Program (ADP) squad, witch at the time was the first step in being identified for state selection and really set me up to have a solid foundation as a player as set the tone for the expectations and work ethics required to progress. Then after my first state selection, I made the state development squad that further helped me develop and improve my game. To then finally after making the national team, be a part of the performance squad that by far had the biggest impact on my develop with specialty in my readiness for college and the world cup. Having the opportunity to have access to such a great facility such as the cricket Australia facility, combined with the coaching expertise’s overseen by Shayne Watson had a massive impact on my development and improvement on field and in the weight room. Aside from the on field support, BQ also provided me unwavering support through injury as well as aiding me in my college commitment.

Q6: What specific skills or aspects of your game have you been diligently refining to enhance your performance at the college level?

Recently a big part of my development has come by working on some slight mechanical changes in my receiving and set up behind the plate, as well as the mental approach in the batters box.

Q7: Choosing a baseball college is a significant decision. What factors led to this choice, and how did your journey through Baseball Queensland pathways prepare you for this unique opportunity?

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had the goal of playing collegiate baseball to then move on to professional baseball. Throughout the journey of getting identified by colleges and teams, BQ provided me with not only great references and contacts. But also, guidance and advice in how to navigate negations, terms of scholarships and making sure I find the right school for me.

Q8: Throughout your journey, who have been your guiding lights or role models?

Throughout my journey I’ve been extremely lucky to practice and play with some special ball players. Some of the most memorable being my BQ coach throughout most of my baseball journey, Shayne Watson. As a former catcher he provided a wealth of knowledge for my specific position, however his teachings of ethics and standards is something I admire and try to implement into my game every time I take the field. Another role mode that had a huge impact on the mental side of my game is former teammate Ash Anderson, a player who had relentless work ethic, the bravery to make changes in order to help the team and the mental fortitude to always look on the Brightside and stay positive in a game were failure in inevitable.

Q10: Any words of advice for aspiring players, both young and those who may have rediscovered their passion for the sport?

The best player in the world show up every day, something I’ve learnt is that you can’t control everything with an emphasis on baseball and results. So, at the end of the day, all you can do is show up and give it everything.

Jake Ferguson’s journey is not only inspiring for the baseball community but also for Queensland. He’s like a guide, showing the way for new players and bringing pride and inspiration to everyone in the Queensland baseball community.

2024 Australian Youth Championships Begin

2024 Australian Youth Championships Begin

The 2024 Australian Youth Championships kicked off today with Queensland’s U16’s and U18’s both versing South Australia.  With high expectations, the teams aim to showcase their skills and dedication. The U18’s aims to uphold their title with the same dedication, skill, and support from their state, promising an exciting competition as they strive for victory on the diamond. Stay tuned for updates throughout the tournament through our Facebook page or


Blacktown International Sports Park
Wed, 10 Jan – Tue, 16 Jan 2024
For more information, visit


U16 Schedule (all times in Qld time)

Click here to go to GameChanger

Wed 10th Jan
Game 1: 9:00am vs SA

Thu 11th Jan
Game 1: 9:00am vs NSW Country (D1 – watch live on Baseball+)
Game 2: 11:45am vs WA (D2)

Fri 12th Jan
Game 1: 8:30am vs VIC (D1 – watch live on Baseball+)
Game 2: 11:45am vs NSW (D2)

Sat 13th Jan
Game 1:  9:00am vs ACT (D2

U18 Schedule (all times in Qld time):

Click here to go to GameChanger

Wed 10th Jan
Game 1: 3:00pm vs SA

Thu 11th Jan
Game 1: 2:30pm vs NSW Country (D1 – watch live on Baseball+)
Game 2: 5:15pm vs WA (D2)

Fri 12th Jan
Game 1: 2:30pm vs VIC (D1 – watch live on Baseball+)
Game 2: 5:45pm vs NSW (D2)

Sat 13th Jan
Game 1:  12:15pm vs ACT (D3)


2024 Australian Youth Championships Begin



Blacktown International Sports Park
Wed, 10 Jan – Tue, 16 Jan 2024
For more information, visit

U16 Schedule (all times in Qld time)

Click here to go to GameChanger

Wed 10th Jan
Game 1: 9:00am vs SA

Thu 11th Jan
Game 1: 9:00am vs NSW Country (D1 – watch live on Baseball+)
Game 2: 11:45am vs WA (D2)

Fri 12th Jan
Game 1: 8:30am vs VIC (D1 – watch live on Baseball+)
Game 2: 11:45am vs NSW (D2)

Sat 13th Jan
Game 1:  9:00am vs ACT (D2


 Information from


It’s finally here! One of the best Australian baseball tournaments of the year starts on Wednesday in Blacktown.

Here’s how you can keep up to date with the action throughout the event.


All games are scored on GameChanger. Please download the GameChanger App for best results and viewing on  your phone.

This will include your teams live scoring, stats and schedule.


The best bet is to download the GameChanger App, create an account and search your state’s age bracket and state abbreviation using the example below.

Example: “U16 SA” or “U16 QLD” or “U18 WA” or “U18 NSWC”. Then click follow. The location of the event is Rooty Hill, NSW if you are using the search bar.

Note: For full functionality of GameChanger, you will need at least a “plus” account. You can register for a free trial with a new email address which last seven days – the length of the tournament.


All games on Diamond 1 will be broadcast on Baseball+ with full commentary and replays.

Baseball+ is now an app that can be downloaded on your smartphone. For links to download and instructions on how to cast to your television, please click here.

You can also watch on your desktop at



Every day on we will post a daily recap which gives a high-level rundown of scores and leaders for both the U16 and U18 tournament.

These will be posted about an hour after each tournament is concluded.


The event will be covered on on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Please check Facebook for updates on photos, videos from the event, game scores, highlights and any content we see!

Instagram ( is also a great place for this.


We have a photographer who will be at each day of the tournament. Due to the intensive nature of the event, not every game will be captured.

Photos will be sent in a folder to each state SSO.


– Event Hub: Under 16s– Event Hub: Under 18s– Download Baseball+ and Cast To Your TV: Instructions– PREVIEW & INFO: Australia’s future stars gather for the U16 and U18 National Championships |


2024 Australian Youth Championships Begin



Blacktown International Sports Park
Wed, 10 Jan – Tue, 16 Jan 2024
For more information, visit

U18 Schedule (all times in Qld time):

Click here to go to GameChanger

Wed 10th Jan
Game 1: 3:00pm vs SA

Thu 11th Jan
Game 1: 2:30pm vs NSW Country (D1 – watch live on Baseball+)
Game 2: 5:15pm vs WA (D2)

Fri 12th Jan
Game 1: 2:30pm vs VIC (D1 – watch live on Baseball+)
Game 2: 5:45pm vs NSW (D2)

Sat 13th Jan
Game 1:  12:15pm vs ACT (D3)


 Information from


It’s finally here! One of the best Australian baseball tournaments of the year starts on Wednesday in Blacktown.

Here’s how you can keep up to date with the action throughout the event.


All games are scored on GameChanger. Please download the GameChanger App for best results and viewing on  your phone.

This will include your teams live scoring, stats and schedule.


The best bet is to download the GameChanger App, create an account and search your state’s age bracket and state abbreviation using the example below.

Example: “U16 SA” or “U16 QLD” or “U18 WA” or “U18 NSWC”. Then click follow. The location of the event is Rooty Hill, NSW if you are using the search bar.

Note: For full functionality of GameChanger, you will need at least a “plus” account. You can register for a free trial with a new email address which last seven days – the length of the tournament.


All games on Diamond 1 will be broadcast on Baseball+ with full commentary and replays.

Baseball+ is now an app that can be downloaded on your smartphone. For links to download and instructions on how to cast to your television, please click here.

You can also watch on your desktop at



Every day on we will post a daily recap which gives a high-level rundown of scores and leaders for both the U16 and U18 tournament.

These will be posted about an hour after each tournament is concluded.


The event will be covered on on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Please check Facebook for updates on photos, videos from the event, game scores, highlights and any content we see!

Instagram ( is also a great place for this.


We have a photographer who will be at each day of the tournament. Due to the intensive nature of the event, not every game will be captured.

Photos will be sent in a folder to each state SSO.


– Event Hub: Under 16s– Event Hub: Under 18s– Download Baseball+ and Cast To Your TV: Instructions– PREVIEW & INFO: Australia’s future stars gather for the U16 and U18 National Championships |


2024 Host Venues Announcement

2024 Host Venues Announcement

Baseball Queensland is thrilled to unveil the venues for the highly anticipated 2024 tournaments:

2024 Senior League and Big League State Titles

Host:  Pine Hills Lightning Baseball Club
Dates:  4-7 April 2024

2024 Little League, Intermediate League, and Junior League State Titles

Host:  Redcliffe Padres Baseball Club
Dates:  11-14 April 2024

2024 Masters Tournament

Host:  Surfers Paradise Baseball Club
Dates:  25-28 April 2024
Stay tuned for the forthcoming announcement in the New Year regarding the host venues for the 2024 Women’s, Youth Women’s, and Girls’ State Titles.
Queensland Youth Women’s Squad

Queensland Youth Women’s Squad

Announcing the Queensland YOUTH Women’s Squad for the 2024 Australian Women’s and Youth Women’s Championships in Melbourne⚾️

Join us in supporting these incredible athletes as they gear up for training sessions ahead of the tournament from April 2nd to April 8th, 2023. Stay tuned for updates as our squad gets ready to make Queensland proud on the national stage!

Queensland Open Women’s Squad

Queensland Open Women’s Squad

Announcing the Queensland Open Women’s Squad for the 2024 Australian Women’s and Youth Women’s Championships in Melbourne⚾️

Join us in supporting these incredible athletes as they gear up for training sessions ahead of the tournament from April 2nd to April 8th, 2023. Stay tuned for updates as our squad gets ready to make Queensland proud on the national stage!

2023 Queensland Women’s, Youth Women’s and Girls’ State Titles Conclude

2023 Queensland Women’s, Youth Women’s and Girls’ State Titles Conclude

2023 Queensland Women’s, Youth Women’s and Girls’ State Titles concluded in a whirlwind of excitement, resonating with thrilling performances and heartfelt connections at All Stars Baseball Club in Hendra. Over four action-packed days, 20 teams from across Queensland and three from NSW poured their hearts into the tournament, leaving an indelible mark on Queensland’s baseball legacy.

The tournament kicked off with the Open Women’s State Titles, where the scorching Brisbane weather did little to deter the determination and skill displayed on the field. North Queensland Storm emerged as standout champions, securing gold in both Division 1 and Division 2, while Gold Coast Gold and Brisbane North Baseball held their ground with commendable performances. 

Transitioning to the Youth Women’s and Girls’ State Titles, the intensity soared to new heights. Cronulla Sharkies triumphed in the Girls’ category, showcasing resilience and teamwork, while Brisbane Metro asserted dominance in the Youth Women’s division. Brisbane North and Gold Coast demonstrated remarkable skills, earning well-deserved recognition on the podium.

The Youth Women’s gold medal game was marked by a historic moment as Brisbane Metro’s Charlotte Stokes pitched a perfect game, etching her name into the tournament’s history!  This is the second time Stokes has pitched a perfect game in a Queensland State Titles this year.

Beyond the awe-inspiring athletic displays, the tournament resonated with the essence of friendship, unity, and the true spirit of the game. Teams bonded, new connections were forged, and sportsmanship shone brightly throughout the competition.

Amidst the heated matches, All Stars Baseball Club’s outstanding hospitality and meticulous organisation were hailed. The club’s canteen team and grounds crew were instrumental in ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience for all participants.

Heartfelt appreciation goes to the Baseball Queensland tournament staff—Anna Day, first-time tournament director, for her remarkable leadership, Nick Wyllie, Assistant Tournament Director, Melody Callahan, Scoring Coordinator, John Proper, Umpire Coordinator, and Akane Hatai, Photographer.  Daniel Spiers, Game Development Manager, Gareth Jones, Baseball Queensland CEO, and Tournament Advisory Panel (TAP), chaired by David Badke, have also been working very hard behind the scenes for weeks leading up to the event to make it a success.  We also thank the Baseball Queensland’s Board of Directors for their support of this tournament.

A special and huge thank you extends to all the spectators, friends, and family who rallied together, providing unwavering support to the players throughout the tournament.  From cold water and sports drinks, to snacks, shade, and lots of sunscreen, you had it covered for the teams!

Acknowledgment is also due to all the competing clubs and regions, their scorers, umpires, coaching staff, Executive Officers (EOs), and, of course, the players for their tireless efforts and commitment, making this event a true celebration of baseball excellence.

Looking ahead, the anticipation builds as the Open Women’s Squad and Youth Women’s squad are set to be announced this week. These talented squads will embark on rigorous training sessions, preparing fervently for the 2024 Australian Women’s and Youth Women’s Championships in Melbourne, Victoria. Queensland’s finest athletes are geared up to make a resounding impact on the national stage!