While everyone at Baseball Queensland was saddened to learn of the resignation of our Game Development Manager, Connar O’Gorman; we understand that career transitions are a natural part of professional growth.

In Connar’s short time with Baseball Queensland, he has made significant contributions to the ongoing development of baseball in Queensland. As a valued member of the BQ team Connar has delivered the first effective recruitment program in North Queensland since the COVID pandemic, explored opportunities to deliver Baseball 5 more broadly and taken a lead role in the administration of Little League in Queensland.

As Connar prepares to embark on a new career journey, we say thank you to Connar and wish him all the best for his future endeavours as we are sure he will continue to achieve great things.

With the role of Game Development Manager soon to be vacant, Baseball Queensland are seeking applicants for the role. You can view the advertisement on Seek by clicking the button below.   Applications will close midday 14 March 2023.