
Fit-for-purpose facilities are crucial for the operation of any sports club. They provide a safe and comfortable environment for athletes, attract and retain members and support, attract sponsors and funding, build a sense of pride and identity, and provide opportunities for community engagement and social impact.

State Infrastructure Strategy Development Underway

Baseball Queensland is currently developing a State Infrastructure Strategy, progressive feedback opportunities will be available during the development process. If you’d like to be involved, head over to the Feedback page by clicking the button below!

Visit the Feedback Page

Australian Baseball Facilities Resource Extracts

These are extracts from the Australian Baseball Facility Resource (2019). Baseball Australia developed an extensive set of guides that covers all aspects of field maintenance, development and construction. The relevant excerpts of this guide are available below.

Queensland Baseball Scorers Recommendations

QBS has provided the following recommendations for the construction of new Scorer’s Huts.

No matter where the Scorers Hut is located, make sure that the scorers have full visibility of the field.

For instance, Surfers Paradise has the box attached to the home dugout and elevated, which required an additional window to be installed to ensure that left field was visible. Redlands Rays, while elevated and setback from the field also has poor visibility of left field. Ensuring that placement of the structure allows for a full view of the field is important.

If your Scorers Hut is to be established behind home plate, consider raising it 400-600mm off the ground at a minimum. This helps to improve visibility of 2nd base – which would otherwise be blocked by the umpire, batter, catcher and pitcher.

If your Scorers Hut is at ground level, it’s recommended that it sits slightly to the 1st base side, ensuring that scorers can see through the infield to observe all plays, however, be weary of how this affects visibility of right field.

Other items for consideration:

  • Shade on the windows that can be pulled up/down
  • Fixed scorers table/bench with appropriate support to avoid sloping
  • If using a sloped table, ensure that a rail is installed to stop items sliding off
  • Ensure that window frames (consider if they’re being slid open) don’t obscure the view of the field
  • Good office chairs
  • Air conditioning where feasible

Suppliers Database

Click below for a list of potential suppliers.

Bannister Park Bookings

Preferred Facilities Partners

Baseball QLD would like to set up a preferred partner network that covers all aspects of facility planning and development, construction and maintenance.


Any Interested Organisations should contact Nick Wyllie at nick.wyllie@baseballqld.asn.au


