Baseball Queensland (BQ), in consultation with Baseball Australia and the relevant health authorities are following the requirements relating to COVID-19 for Queensland baseball.
The BQ Summer and Winter leagues being held in Queensland have been postponed until Tuesday the 19th of May 2020. At this stage, the Queensland Government Health authorities have requested the below guidelines be followed:
Direction from Chief Health Officer in accordance with emergency powers arising from the declared public health emergency
BQ Commissioner Jeremy Cade re-emphasises “the safety of our members is our number one priority and the directives from Baseball Australia and the Government requires that we postpone our sport until it is safe to continue. Please stay safe, and follow all the directions provided by the authorities and see the information below as it relates to our specific games and tournaments.”
Baseball Queensland will continue taking precautions within the guidelines of the Queensland Health authorities, to minimise contact between players and to ensure best practices are applied as per the information provided by the Queensland government.
BQ CEO Paul Gonzalez said “It is imperative that we all respect and protect the safety and well-being of our families, friends and fellow Australian’s. If we collectively work together in this time of need, we support the recovery of all who have been affected by this devastating crisis. Please be safe, stay well and ensure both your mental and physical well-being remains your priority.”
In accordance with the instruction from the Queensland Government we wish to advise our members that for the foreseeable future, Baseball Queensland staff will be working from home.
The Baseball Queensland Board has ratified a “working from home policy” that enables and supports our staff to continue their responsibilities whilst not being in the office.
If you have any questions please feel free to email our staff below.
All information in relation to schedule changes or postponements will be made on the Baseball Queensland website and via direct email and the Baseball Queensland social media channels. Click HERE for the Baseball Queensland Facebook and click HERE for the Baseball Queensland Instagram –
Baseball Queensland is receiving updates and information via:
Anyone with concerns can call 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or find up-to-date reliable information on the Queensland Health website at
Consistent with Baseball Queensland’s (BQ) decision to postpone all Queensland Baseball activity from Wednesday, 18 March 2020 until Wednesday, 8 April 2020, the GBL Competition Committee has advised Baseball Queensland that the GBL summer baseball competition should now conclude prior to the finals series commencing.
Considering the advice received to date, the precautions taken by Baseball Queensland and time required for athletes to prepare after the resumption of regular activities the GBL Committee has assessed that few opportunities exist to reschedule games.
Therefore pursuant to the following By-Laws 5.20.8 (for senior competition); 6.19.9 (for Masters) and 7.19.6 (for juniors), the GBL Competition Committee congratulates the following teams for winning their respective Division Premiership by virtue of finishing on top of their Division ladder. View the graphic below for the Division Premiers.
Winners of the various GBL awards will be announced in due course over the next week or so.
The GBL Competition Committee would like to thank and congratulate all GBL Clubs on a very successful summer season where our sport has continued to grow. The GBL Competition Committee would also like to thank the hard-working Club Committees, Presidents and Secretaries. We also appreciate the BQ Board and the BQ staff for their support and assistance.
The GBL Competition Committee would also like to acknowledge Glen Long, our GBL Competition Administrator for all his hard work and commitment to our sport.
Baseball Queensland would like to thank the GBL Competition Committee members who continue to demonstrate their passion and commitment to making our sport better every season.
Baseball Queensland is more grateful than ever for the dedicated commitment of our community. We acknowledge your sacrifices and share your passions for our great game.
Like you, we look forward to getting back to playing, administering, coaching, umpiring, scoring, groundskeeping for, and watching the game we all love.

Baseball Queensland, in this unprecedented and unique situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, is taking a lead from international and national sporting codes to postpone all Queensland Baseball activity from Wednesday, 18 March 2020 until Wednesday, 8 April 2020.
Decisions in relation to the health and safety of our baseball community have been given careful consideration. Following consultations with the federal and state government, Sport Australia and Baseball Australia and our state and territory baseball counterparts, we are postponing our non-essential static gatherings as a precautionary action to assist in stopping the spread of this virus to the most vulnerable members of our communities.
Baseball Queensland and all our member clubs and associations will cease, for 21 days, all training, club activities and team meetings, as well as events, tournaments and competitions.
Baseball Queensland, in consultation with Baseball Australia and the Queensland State Government, is providing these COVID-19 Facts:
- WASH hands often with soap and running water, for at least 20 seconds. DRY with a paper towel or hand dryer.
- TRY not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
- COVER your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If you don’t have a tissue cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow.
- ISOLATE yourself at home if you feel sick. If you take medication, ensure you have adequate supplies.
- PHONE your GP first if you need medical attention. They will tell you what to do.
- CONTINUE healthy habits: exercise, drink water, get plenty of sleep.
- DON’T wear a facemask if you are well.
- SHAKING HANDS is optional – at Baseball this weekend, we fist bump!
If you are concerned, call the Coronavirus hotline 1800 675 398 (24 hours)
The following is a statement outlining Baseball Australia’s position relating to the outbreak of COVID-19 across Australia, and key pieces of information that stakeholders across the country need to be informed of as of the 13th of March 2020.
We want to reassure our baseball community that we are in regular consultation with the key departments of Government, both Federal and State, and are monitoring the public health situation and any possible impacts as a result of COVID-19 (also known as ‘coronavirus’).
We would like to re-assure the Baseball Queensland community that we are closely monitoring the updates regarding the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) from the Queensland Department of Health, as well as Baseball Australia, the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries and Sport Australia.
Presently there are no restrictions on events where large numbers of people congregate, but we are conscious of the need to monitor any developments with COVID-19 and will act in accordance with the advice from the relevant authorities.
Baseball Queensland will provide additional information to our members as it becomes available and to keeping our community updated on any disruptions to the delivery of regular programs or events, should they occur. The health and well-being of our participants is our highest priority, but it is important that people remain calm and act on the best health advice available.
For sport-specific advice, please refer to the AIS webpage, dedicated to providing evidence-based, real-time advice, including travel as well as FAQs relating to COVID-19 (Coronavirus).