CAESAR GARDINER, a key player in Baseball Queensland’s U18 Roster, is gearing up for the AYC next year. His journey to the top has been filled with amazing achievements, showcasing his strong dedication and outstanding talent.

At Earnshaw State College, Gardiner is part of the Baseball Academy, a special program at the college that helps students improve their baseball skills while following the national curriculum. Recently he won several awards at the school including the Australian Platinum Sporting Award, the Excellence in Baseball Award and was also named Bruce Cramb Senior School Sportsperson of the Year.

His success isn’t just local. Gardiner was named Baseball Queensland’s 2023 U16 Hitter of the Year, was named in the School Sport All Australian Team and was part of the National U16 camp in Canberra this year. His love for the sport promises a bright future as he continues to climb higher in his baseball journey.

We spoke to Gardiner about his love for baseball.

“When I think about baseball, the first thing that springs to mind is the friendships and enduring memories I’ve built while playing the sport,” Gardiner fondly reflects, highlighting the profound connections fostered through baseball.  “My favourite thing about baseball is hitting and the constant challenge to improve every time I step up to the plate or take my position in the field.”  

When we asked him who his number one fan is, he beamed with no hesitation,

“My number one fan is my little brother, Big Judez!”

However, his family’s unwavering presence, his numerous mentors from rookie ball to now, providing invaluable support at every event and tournament further solidify his foundation of encouragement and love.


Looking ahead, Gardiner confidently shares,

“Yes, I still envision myself playing baseball in five years time, whether professionally or for a college overseas, perhaps in America or Japan. Baseball will always be a part of my life.”  

With his outstanding skills, unyielding passion, and a robust support system, Caesar Gardiner remains a shining star in Australian baseball, destined for a bright future in the sport he loves.