In our continuous effort to acknowledge and celebrate excellence within the realm of baseball in Queensland, we are delighted to introduce the Monthly BQ Awards. This initiative represents our commitment to recognising exceptional achievements, sportsmanship, and contributions that significantly impact the baseball community.

The Monthly BQ Awards will serve as a platform to honour those individuals who stand out through their outstanding performance and dedication. We invite all members of our community to participate by nominating deserving candidates.

One of the unique features of this program is that each monthly award recipient automatically becomes a nominee for the prestigious Annual BQ Awards. This means that those recognised on a monthly basis will have the opportunity to be acknowledged at a broader scale during our annual celebration.

The Baseball Queensland Awards initiative is designed to express our deep appreciation for the unwavering commitment and substantial contributions made by individuals to further the growth, organisation, and overall success of baseball in Queensland. It is our way of highlighting excellence within our community.




The Baseball Queensland Administrator of the Month Award aims to recognise and honour exceptional administrators who have made significant contributions to the growth, organisation, and overall success of baseball in Queensland. This prestigious award seeks to acknowledge administrators who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, efficiency, and dedication to the sport. Nominations for this award are open to administrators involved at all levels within the state, from local clubs to regional and state organisations.


The Baseball Queensland Coach of the Month Award is designed to recognise and honour outstanding coaches who have made significant contributions to the development and success of baseball in Queensland. This prestigious award aims to acknowledge coaches who have demonstrated exceptional leadership, sportsmanship, and dedication to their athletes and the sport of baseball. Nominations for this award are open to coaches of all levels within the state, from grassroots to elite, who have achieved remarkable results during the eligibility period.



The Baseball Queensland Scorer of the Month Award aims to recognise and honour the invaluable contributions made by scorers to the sport of baseball in Queensland. This prestigious award seeks to acknowledge individuals who have demonstrated exceptional skills, accuracy, and dedication in recording and maintaining accurate scorekeeping records during baseball games. Nominations for this award are open to scorers at all levels of involvement, including local club scorers and those involved in regional and state-level competitions.



The Baseball Queensland Umpire of the Month Award aims to recognise and honour the significant contributions made by umpires to the sport of baseball in Queensland. This prestigious award seeks to acknowledge umpires who have consistently demonstrated exceptional skills, professionalism, and dedication to ensuring fair play and sportsmanship during baseball games. Nominations for this award are open to umpires at all levels of involvement, including local, regional, and state-level competitions.



The Baseball Queensland Volunteer of the Month Award aims to recognise and celebrate the outstanding contributions made by volunteers to the sport of baseball in Queensland. This prestigious award seeks to acknowledge individuals who have selflessly dedicated their time, skills, and efforts to support and promote baseball within the community. Nominations for this award are open to volunteers at all levels of involvement, including club volunteers, event volunteers, and those contributing at the state level. 

Nominations close 24th July 2024


Administrator of the Month: PATRICIA JOCE

Coach of the Month: COOPER & JORDAN THOMSON

Scorer of the Month: CORINE MULLER

Umpire of the Month: MICK CUMMING

Volunteer of the Month: KEELEY HENDERSON


Congratulations to the following who were nominated:  Ian Thatcher, Christine New, Ryan Griffin, Matt Wise, Sean Lutton, ,Kevin Fenn, Jonathan Ditchburn, Melody Callahan, Danica Trotter, Alisha Jewry, Corey Dean, Krysten Wallace, Matthew Vickers


Administrator of the Month: LUKE TRANTER

Coach of the Month: JESS SULLIVAN

Scorer of the Month: KEVIN BEAUVAIS

Umpire of the Month: AIDEN LAWSON

Volunteer of the Month: ALI STEPHENS


Congratulations to the following who were nominated: Shane Wilson, Craige Johnson, Karen Gallpen, Christy New, Chris Clifton & Adam Bonney. 



Administrator of the Month: CONNIE ROWE

Coach of the Month: SCOTT MCLEAN

Scorer of the Month: SHARON TEAKLE

Umpire of the Month: STEPHEN LEWIN

Volunteer of the Month: WILLIAM CLIFTON

Congratulations to the following who were nominated: Jacob hall, Kevin Fenn, Ethyn Bigmore, Dave Paddison, Tammy McMillan, Jess Sullivan, Dan White, Andrew White, CarlJeisman, Maureen Lessman, Will Clifton, Roxanne Constant, Brooklyn Prindable-Garner, Shelley Smith, Peter Crooks, Dean Ainsworth, Taylor Devine, Kayla Bradfield, Owen Stokes & Dennis Fletcher.



Administrator of the Month: ERIC LEWIS


Scorer of the Month: AMANDA MURPHY

Umpire of the Month: ROGER BASTOW

Volunteer of the Month: GREG JOCE


Congratulations to the following who were nominated:  Declan Johnston, Jacob Hall, Mark Boys, Eli Jones, Lisa Ryan, Justin Milonas, Caitlyn Cadman, Kim Houstein, Kylie Williams, William clifton Daniel Wilson, Brooklyn and Peter Crooks. 



Administrator of the Month: MARIA REYNOLDS

Coach of the Month: CAMRON REED

Scorer of the Month: NA

Umpire of the Month: BEN REYNOLDS

Volunteer of the Month: MATT LAVERY


Congratulations to the following who were nominated: James Jansen, Damian Pate, Choppa Pate, Andrew Kelly, Oscar Houstein, Alex Landers, Amanda Murphy, Brooklyn Prindable Garner, Conor Laverty, David Ellis, Sam Marriott & William Clifton.




Administrator of the Month:  KATH EVANS

Coach of the Month: KIRRALI VAN HILST

Scorer of the Month: SOLO FOGG

Umpire of the Month: DEAN SHERRY

Volunteer of the Month: GLEN HALL


Congratulations to the following who were nominated: Jacob Hall, Jared Long, Michael Florence, Kate Hill, Will Clifton, Kim Anderson




Administrator of the Month:  JACQUIE ARLOW

Coach of the Month: NATE DALE

Scorer of the Month: GAYLE FLETCHER

Umpire of the Month: CARTER PARCELL

Volunteer of the Month: CHEYNE MURPHY


Nominees: Jared Long, Kylie Sakewski, Scott Davenport, Brad Dutton, Kirrali Van Hilst, Kath Evans, Kevin Stone, Tim Prior, Declan Florence, William Field, Brooklyn Prindable Garner



To read the nominations, please click on their name.


Administrator of the Month:  KATRINA WILSON

Coach of the Month: CARL JEISMAN

Scorer of the Month: LEIGH DRUERY

Umpire of the Month: CASSANDRA HALL

Volunteer of the Month: PETER CROOKS




Nick Potter, Matthew Vickers, Brooklyn Prindable Garner, Wendy Gaunt and Ben Robertson.




To read the nominations, please click on their name.

Administrator of the Month: TONY MCPHAIL

Coach of the Month: BRET BUCKLAND

Scorer of the Month: DANICA TROTTER

Umpire of the Month: ALISHA JEWRY

Volunteer of the Month: AARON FYFE




Scott Davenport, Chris Clem, Jacob Hall, Sherie Hogan, Kieran Cooke, Dean Ainsworth, Jared Long, Cassandra Hall, Ashley Stephens and Brad Brown.





Please see the nomination criteria for each category:  

administrator of the Month nomination Criteria

Nominations for the Administrator of the Month award are open to administrators involved at all levels within the state, from local clubs to regional and state organisations.

Criteria for Nomination:

  1. Organisational Excellence: Nominees must have demonstrated exceptional organisational skills and effectiveness in their roles. This includes successful planning and execution of baseball events, tournaments, leagues, and other activities that have contributed to the advancement of the sport in Queensland. 

  2. Leadership and Communication: Administrators nominated for this award should exhibit strong leadership qualities, fostering a positive and collaborative environment for all stakeholders, including players, coaches, parents, officials, and volunteers. Effective communication and transparency are crucial aspects of successful administration.

  3. Promotion and Development of Baseball: Nominees should have shown a strong commitment to promoting and developing baseball within their community or region. This may include initiatives to attract new players, support existing clubs, and establish partnerships with local schools or community organisations.

  4. Innovative Approaches: Administrators who have implemented innovative strategies or programs to enhance the overall experience of players, coaches, and spectators should be recognised. This may include advancements in technology, marketing, or community engagement.

  5. Volunteer and Resource Management: The nominated administrator should have demonstrated effective management of volunteers, resources, and finances to ensure the sustainable growth and success of baseball activities.

  6. Inclusivity and Diversity: Nominees should have actively worked to promote inclusivity and diversity within the baseball community, creating opportunities for underrepresented groups to participate and thrive in the sport.

  7. Commitment to Professional Development: While not mandatory, administrators who have pursued continuous professional development and education in sports administration or related fields should be acknowledged for their dedication to improving their skills and knowledge.

  8. Testimonials and Recommendations: Nominations should be supported by testimonials and recommendations from stakeholders within the baseball community, highlighting the positive impact of the nominee’s administrative efforts.

Coach of the Month Nomination criteria


Nominations for the Coach of the Month award are open to coaches of all levels within the state, from grassroots to elite, who have achieved remarkable results during the month.

Criteria for Nomination:

      1. Player Development: Nominees should demonstrate a commitment to the holistic development of their players, fostering growth not only in technical skills but also in character, leadership, and personal growth. A successful coach will be dedicated to nurturing the potential of each individual athlete.

      2. Coaching Performance and Results: Nominees must have achieved notable success in coaching during the previous month period. This includes accomplishments such as significant improvement in individual athletes’ skills, team performance, tournament wins, and league championships.

      3. Sportsmanship and Ethical Conduct: Coaches nominated for this award must exemplify the highest standards of sportsmanship, fair play, and ethical conduct both on and off the field. They should serve as positive role models for their athletes and promote a respectful and inclusive sporting environment.

      4. Leadership and Communication: The nominated coach should exhibit strong leadership qualities, effectively communicating with players, coaching staff, and parents/guardians. They should be able to motivate and inspire their team and create a supportive and cohesive coaching environment.

      5. Innovation and Adaptability: Coaches who have shown creativity, innovation, and adaptability in their coaching methods and strategies are encouraged to be nominated. The ability to adjust to different circumstances and challenges is a crucial aspect of effective coaching.

      6. Commitment to the Sport: Nominees should demonstrate a long-term commitment to baseball in Queensland. This includes active involvement in promoting and developing the sport at various levels, from grassroots to representative teams.

      7. Coaching Accreditation and Education: Coaches who have pursued continuous education and professional development in coaching and related fields should be recognised.

scorer of the Month Nomination criteria

Nominations for the Scorer of the Month award are open to scorers at all levels of involvement, including local club scorers and those involved in regional and state-level competitions.

Criteria for Nomination:


  1. Scorekeeping Proficiency: Nominees should possess a high level of scorekeeping proficiency, accurately recording game statistics, plays, and other essential details during baseball games.

  2. Attention to Detail: The nominated scorer should exhibit excellent attention to detail, ensuring accuracy in all recorded information related to the game.

  3. Knowledge of Scorekeeping Rules: Scorers nominated for this award must demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of baseball scorekeeping rules and guidelines.

  4. Consistency and Reliability: Nominees should have a history of consistent and reliable scorekeeping performance throughout the season or relevant period of involvement.

  5. Adaptability: The nominated scorer should showcase the ability to adapt to various game situations, keeping accurate records even during fast-paced or high-pressure games. 

  6. Support for Umpires and Officials: Scorers who actively collaborate with umpires and officials, assisting them with scorekeeping-related matters, should be recognized for their valuable contributions. 

  7. Contribution to the Baseball Community: Nominees should have contributed significantly to the baseball community through their scorekeeping efforts, positively impacting the overall game experience for players, coaches, and spectators.

  8. Leadership and Mentoring: Scorers who have taken the initiative to mentor and support other aspiring scorers, contributing to the development and growth of scorekeeping within the baseball community, should be considered for nomination. 

  9. Testimonials and Recommendations: Nominations should be supported by testimonials and recommendations from players, coaches, officials, and fellow scorers, highlighting the nominee’s exceptional scorekeeping skills and contributions.

Umpire of the Month Nomination criteria

Nominations for the Umpire of the Month award are open to umpires at all levels of involvement, including local, regional, and state-level competitions.

Criteria for Nomination:

  1. Umpiring Competence: Nominees should possess a high level of umpiring competence, including a thorough understanding of baseball rules, mechanics, and positioning on the field.

  2. Consistency and Accuracy: The nominated umpire should exhibit consistency and accuracy in making calls and decisions throughout the season or relevant period of involvement. 

  3. Sportsmanship and Communication: Umpires nominated for this award must exemplify the highest standards of sportsmanship, professionalism, and effective communication with players, coaches, and fellow officials. 

  4. Adaptability and Composure: The nominated umpire should demonstrate adaptability and composure in handling challenging or intense game situations. 

  5. Commitment to Professional Development: Umpires who have pursued continuous professional development and education in umpiring or related fields should be acknowledged for their dedication to improving their skills and knowledge.

  6. Contribution to the Baseball Community: Nominees should have contributed significantly to the baseball community through their umpiring efforts, positively impacting the game experience for players, coaches, and spectators.

  7. Mentorship and Leadership: Umpires who have taken the initiative to mentor and support other aspiring umpires, contributing to the development and growth of umpiring within the baseball community, should be considered for nomination.

  8. Positive Attitude and Enthusiasm: The nominated umpire should exhibit a positive attitude and enthusiasm for the sport, serving as a role model for others in the baseball community.

  9. Testimonials and Recommendations: Nominations should be supported by testimonials and recommendations from players, coaches, fellow officials, and administrators, highlighting the nominee’s exceptional umpiring skills and contributions.

VOLUNTEER of the Month Nomination criteria

Nominations for the Volunteer of the Month award are open to volunteers at all levels of involvement, including club volunteers, event volunteers, and those contributing at the state level.

Criteria for Nomination:

  1. Length of Service and Dedication: Nominees should have a significant history of volunteer service in the baseball community in Queensland. Their commitment and dedication to the sport over time will be considered in the evaluation process. 

  2. Impact and Contribution: The nominated volunteer must have made a tangible and positive impact on the baseball community. This includes contributions to the development of players, coaches, teams, events, and the overall growth of baseball in the community.

  3. Leadership and Initiative: Volunteers who have demonstrated leadership qualities and taken the initiative to implement programs, projects, or events that have benefited the baseball community should be recognised.

  4. Sportsmanship and Integrity: Nominees should embody the values of sportsmanship, fairness, and integrity, serving as positive role models for players, coaches, and fellow volunteers.

  5. Inclusivity and Support: Volunteers who actively promote inclusivity and support within the baseball community, creating a welcoming and nurturing environment for all participants, are eligible for nomination.

  6. Collaboration and Teamwork: The nominated volunteer should have a record of collaborating effectively with other volunteers, club members, coaches, and officials to achieve common goals and enhance the baseball experience.

  7. Innovation and Creativity: Volunteers who have demonstrated innovative and creative approaches to solving problems, improving processes, or enhancing the overall baseball experience should be recognised.

  8. Positive Attitude and Enthusiasm: Nominees should exhibit a positive attitude and enthusiasm that motivates and inspires others within the baseball community.

  9. Testimonials and Recommendations: Nominations should be supported by testimonials and recommendations from stakeholders within the baseball community, highlighting the positive impact of the volunteer’s efforts.



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