Andy Utting joins the Board, David Badke re-elected and we say farewell to Alan Connors.

ANDY UTTING is no stranger to the Baseball Queensland community, and we are thrilled that he is the newest addition to the Board.  From playing minor league baseball in the USA, to winning silver with the Australian baseball team at the Athens Olympics, there is no denying that Andy is invested in the sport, and with his exceptional experience will hopefully create opportunities to inspire and motivate baseball enthusiasts across Queensland.

Family commitments have made it difficult to contribute to baseball for the past 5-6 years, but the opportunity to hold a position on the Board allows me to apply my broad range of experiences in baseball (and sport) to support the development of the game in Queensland, without the need to be out on the diamond on a daily/weekly basis.”

DAVID BADKE has been re-elected on to the Baseball Queensland Board. 

He has been on the Board for the last two years as the Director of Game Development and in that time has been the driving force behind Futures League pathways, U16/U18 Showcase event and Little League State Titles becoming a BQ festival style week of baseball creating opportunities for all levels. 

He brings his wealth of knowledge and experience through various roles at local, regional, state and national levels and 35+ years within the sport and his passion to continue to develop and expand the game is a true asset to Baseball Queensland. 

ALAN CONNORS has served on the Board as the Deputy Commissioner for the last three years.  He was very much a strong presence on the Board, and he will be missed. 

Chris Norrie, Commissioner of BQ wrote a heartfelt letter to acknowledge his achievements with us.

Dear Alan,

I write to you on the occasion of our 2022 Annual General Meeting, the first such meeting for a number of years without your presence. In fact, I have read this to the members.

It is with some sadness that I relay to the assembly of your intention to not run for re-election.

You are – and have always been in your time on the Board – a voice of consensus and clarity.
As Deputy Commissioner, you assumed control of the Board during a very dark time for our organisation – when we were being attacked on many fronts – and you not only provided a steady hand in continuing to move the organisation forward, but in fending off the many challenges you and your colleagues faced on behalf of our members. We often forget that we are all volunteers, and it is not normal to be perpetually under threat of litigation or censure.

But the times have changed, and through your work and the others you have helped me lead, we are in a significantly better place today. There is now so much more being done, and the platform for a promising future for Baseball in our state. And much of this we will owe to your commitment to the sport, your colleagues and our members over many years.

On behalf of the Board of Management and the representatives of our members, I thank you for your service, and wish you and your family well into the future. You will be missed.

Yours faithfully,
