Pivotal Motion Physiotherapy partners with Baseball Queensland

Pivotal Motion Physiotherapy partners with Baseball Queensland

Baseball Queensland (BQ) is delighted to announce a partnership with Pivotal Motion Physiotherapy as BQ’s program operator for athlete wellbeing.

Pivotal Motion has been involved in baseball for many years, working with Windsor Royals and Pine Hills Baseball clubs and former sponsor and physiotherapist with the Brisbane Bandits. Pivotal Motion is a leading voice in the area of sports physiotherapy and creating programs for player physical welfare, injury rehabilitation and athlete development. Bobbie-Jo Strong, Owner and Principal Physiotherapist of Pivotal Motion, is currently the physiotherapist for other high performance teams in QAS Volleyball program and QLD Pirates Volleyball. To date, Bobbie-Jo has achieved 8 Australian League titles over the past 5 years. Pivotal Motion has a strong emphasis on a community approach to sport thus sponsoring 4 local Brisbane sporting clubs including Gaelic football, rugby league, and volleyball.

The partnership between BQ and Pivotal Motion will see programs created to assist players with athlete well-being, striving for holistic outcomes, and will aim to engage with our Pathway programs commencing this year.


Shayne Watson, Baseball Queensland’s High-Performance Manager is excited to work with an industry leader to engage with our pathway programs and bring a greater awareness to athlete wellbeing.


“Striving for holistic outcomes for our athletes, we have partnered with Pivotal Motion. This will provide guidance for BQ athletes, coaches and parents throughout the BQ Pathway Programs. The health and well-being of our athletes is prioritized as highly as their athletic development and delivered simultaneously for the best possible outcomes of our athletes and their future. I am looking forward to working with Pivotal Motion over the next several years as we develop and deliver this framework.”


Bobbie-Jo Strong is excited to bring her expertise and passion to Baseball Queensland.


“Baseball is a functionally unique sport.  When I watch baseball, it isn’t just about the runs or pitch count, it is about one’s ability to perform their task to their upmost functional capacity.  Everybody has a unique functional pattern and role to play in baseball.  This is what we need to tap into, to learn, understand and develop a more distinguished outcome for the baseballer.  I see potential for development of medical and academic relationships to assist, improve and differentiate Baseball QLD’s athletes from states.  I believe in all Baseball QLD athletes being catered for regardless of age, tier level or team status.”


Working with our Player Pathways is just the beginning for the partnership between Pivotal Motion and Baseball Queensland as there are many opportunities that will be made available to the wider baseball community through a multiple of expressions.


Baseball Queensland CEO Paul Gonzalez shared the following:


Pivotal Motion has been a strong supporter of Baseball Queensland for many years and it is fitting that as we progress and evolve as a sport, we continue to build long-term relationships with positive like-minded partners.  Pivotal Motion’s vision is to educate their clients and patients on movement that is ideally suited for individual needs.  Baseball Queensland is excited about their approach to health and fitness and look forward to “Building a better future for baseball” moving forward.”


We will be seeing more of Bobbie-Jo and the Pivotal Motion team over the coming months at our events and through our social media channels.




Player Pathway Programs Announcement

Player Pathway Programs Announcement

Newly appointed High Performance Manager Shayne Watson is delighted to release the Baseball Queensland player pathway will look like for the immediate future.

Watson, who has been working within the Baseball Queensland (BQ) player pathway for 13 years is excited to tailer design our High Performance (HP) and Athlete Development Program (ADP). His previous role as Junior Elite Program manager was the latest step in widening his understanding of the holistic approach needed to build healthy, passionate baseballers.

BQ’s Athlete Development and High-Performance programs are listed on our website in detail. Here is a quick summary of how the programs look.

U13s Athlete Development Progam. (Pilot Program)
A new program for 2019 aiming to give little league aged players in-game experience across a wide range of positions. This will run between July and October.

Junior League Athlete Development Program
This program aims to develop the fundamental aspects of baseball whilst engaging the athlete to also increase their knowledge and critical thinking. This program will run between July to August.

Athlete Development Program (U16, U18 and Women)
This program is the entry stage into the BQ High-Performance pathway and is used as quality preparation for the summer season. This program runs from July to September.

QLD Bandits State Team (U16, U18, Youth Women and Open Women)
Another long term athlete development program that tailors to equipping those selecting within our state representative sides competing at National Championships. These programs run periodically based on the timing of National Championships.

State Squad Performance Program (U16, U18, U20 and Women)
This program aims to develop our athletes in preparation for marquee events (Nations, ABL, International College etc). The Long term athlete development program is aimed at our high-performance athletes and runs throughout the year.

As baseball continues to strengthen within our state our focus continues to build a better future for baseball. We are excited about our new athlete development programs to start this year and will continue to inform of new opportunities that are created for more athletes to engage in.

Community grants information sessions – BCC

Community grants information sessions – BCC

Community grants information sessions

Brisbane City Council’s grants programs provide funding to help local not-for-profit organisations to develop and improve facilities and services in Brisbane.

Every day, Council works with residents and local communities to help make our city what it is today with a long-term vision for the future.

Council is running a number of information sessions to assist with developing your submission and to find out more information about the grants.

These information sessions are relevant for:

All venues are fully accessible. Please notify Council if you require the support of an Auslan interpreter.

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Community grants information session

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SunPAC, Macgregor

Wed 24 Jul 2019, 12:30pm – Free

Community grants information session

Learn how to complete your submission to increase your chances of securing grants for your local community group and to find out more information about the…

Brisbane Square Library

Wed 24 Jul 2019, 6:30pm – Free

Community grants information session

Learn how to complete your submission to increase your chances of securing grants for your local community group and to find out more information about the…

Seven Hills Hub

Thu 25 Jul 2019, 12:30pm – Free

Community grants information session

Learn how to complete your submission to increase your chances of securing grants for your local community group and to find out more information about the…

Chermside Library

Thu 25 Jul 2019, 6:30pm – Free

Earnshaw State College announce Baseball Academy

Earnshaw State College announce Baseball Academy

Earnshaw State College prides itself on providing learning pathways which allow students to pursue courses of study that support their academic and physical performance goals. Our commitment to this philosophy has led to the implementation of the Baseball Academy to support the growing popularity of Baseball in the Banyo community and the Metropolitan North geographical region.


The Baseball Academy has been designed to provide players with the opportunity to further develop their Baseball skills whilst meeting the national curriculum requirements as set out by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority.


The Baseball Academy aims to:
▪ provide students (with identified Baseball talent) with an opportunity to develop their game skills
and expose them to facets of Baseball from fitness and nutrition for performance to skill acquisition
and learning strategies,
▪ provide tailored programs which cater for individual skill and maximising of potential,
▪ use state of the art facilities located at All Stars Baseball Club, Gerler Road, Hendra– for skill and
game development and growth,
▪ participate in a programs which allows succession to higher levels of development and competition.

Learn more by clicking here to download the prospectus.


Click here to learn more.


Player Pathway Programs Announcement

Baseball Queensland announce High Performance Manager

It is with great pleasure that Baseball Queensland [BQ] announces Mr Shayne Watson as the new Athlete Development & High-Performance Manager for Baseball Queensland. Shayne has been a staff member of Baseball Queensland for 13 years and brings a wealth of experience, knowledge and insight to the role. Shayne has been the Junior Elite Pathway Manager for two years and has experienced considerable success, increasing the number of participants in our junior state programs and athlete development programs.

Shayne has designed and developed a program that will engage Baseball Queensland’s emerging, developing and high-performance male and female athletes in the redesigned Athele Development Program [ADP] /High Performance [HP] plan.

His experience also includes being part of the Brisbane Bandits, winning 4 consecutive ABL Championships and the Claxton Shield, as part of the coaching group lead by previous BQ High-Performance Manager and Brisbane Bandits Coach, David Nilsson.

Speaking on his appointment as the High-Performance Manager, Shayne states he is eager to begin a new chapter for BQ and spoke about the areas he is keen to grow for the State.

“I am looking forward to taking on this role. It will provide opportunities for our male and female elite level athletes to develop and strive for holistic outcomes. Not only to improve their sport-specific skills and knowledge but also for them to become future leaders within our sport.

Along with developing individual aspects within their game, our program will also be prioritizing athlete well-being and character building throughout. BQ coaches within the Pathway will also have opportunities to develop themselves as coaches and mentors throughout the Program.

We have several of our Pathway Programs commencing mid-year that will cater to a range of athletes from U13 to Open Women. Our newly formed State Performance Squad has already commenced in South East Queensland, with our North Queensland based athletes commencing mid-year. I have expanded this program to eight months catering for 25 identified athletes from U16 – Open Women. This direction provides more time on task and more opportuntites to develop athletes with access to a greater range of qualified and experienced coaches.”

Our Athlete Development Programs will commence mid-year fostering a Long-Term Athlete Development framework providing support and guidance for our young athletes coming through the Pathway.

As Baseball continues to grow in our state and we experience increased success with our regional and state teams, we are excited to continue expanding how the Athelete Development Program provides for baseball in our state and how BQ can look to increase numbers entering our High-Performance Pathway.

Baseball Queensland’s Chief Executive Officer, Paul Gonzalez said Shayne’s appointment will continue to build strong pathways for our Junior and Senior players through the high-quality programs Shayne is creating.

“As CEO of Baseball Queensland, I have been fortunate to watch the sport evolve over the past two years, particularly within the Athlete Development & High-Performance Programs.  In 2017, David Nilsson, the then Baseball Queensland High Performance Manager, designed a Five-Tier success program in collaboration with Athlete Development Manager, Shayne Watson and the Queensland Academy of Sport.  The focus of the program was to successfully achieve High Performance outcomes within the elite levels of the game, with a focus on building the mental and physical skill sets of Queensland’s emerging and developing players.

Shayne’s experience working within all tiers of Baseball Queensland’s programs as well as the National program made him the perfect fit for the new program design.”

Through the support of Baseball Australia, the Queensland Academy of Sport, the coaches within the program and newly acquired partners, Pivotal Motion and Acceleration, Baseball Queensland’s vision of “Building a better future for baseball” looks as strong as ever.”

Shayne will take on the High-Performance Manager role immediately and will share his detailed outline of the High-Performance programs publicly next week through the Baseball Queensland website and social media sites.