BQ Female Teams Entering U16 / U18 State Titles

BQ Female Teams Entering U16 / U18 State Titles

We are seeking athlete expression of interest for the following:

  • U16 Team – players aged 18 and Under as of 31st December 2019
  • U18 Team – Open Age Group

The first practice session will be held every Sunday from 28th July at Bannister Park, All Stars Baseball Club 9am – 11am with the first two weeks as trail days.

If you would like to express your interest please click on the link below

Register your Expression of Interest today:

QBUA Little League Umpiring Training

QBUA Little League Umpiring Training

As a prelude to the upcoming Association Level (Level 1) Umpire Seminar QBUA will be holding a Little League Specific Training and Information seminar which will be open to all current, Community (Green Shirt), Association (Yellow Shirt) and Blue Shirt Level Umpires.

The main purpose of the day is to prepare umpires for the upcoming junior season as well, having umpires that are interested in doing state and national levels understand what they will need to achieve these goals.


Venue: Bannister Park, Gerler Road, Hendra

Date:   18th August 2019

Time:   8.30 Registration for 9.00am Start and is planned to finish around 4.00pm.

Cost:    This is being provided at no cost to all attendees

What to Bring: Water Bottle, Umpire / Long pants, Shirt, suitable footwear,

Plate gear (if you have it), sunscreen

As lunch will be provided on the day you will need to advise of any dietary concerns you may-have.

Should you wish to attend please advise by email to  Mob 0410 615 851 advising your full name, contact details, and if you are affiliated with a club.

To allow adequate time and for catering purposes all nominations should be in the hands of SDU by the 11th August 2019.

BQ Female Teams Entering U16 / U18 State Titles

EOI for QLD coaching vacancies.

Baseball Queensland is inviting coaches to Express their Interest and Register for vacant coaching positions within our QLD Bandits State Teams. BQ strive to deliver programs with holistic outcomes whilst creating an optimal learning environment for our athletes and coaches within our High Performance Pathway Programs.

Vacant Positions

Youth Women

  • Assistant Coach
  • Pitching Coach
  • Executive Officer


  • Assistant Coach
  • Pitching Coach
  • Executive Officer


  • Assistant Coach
  • Pitching Coach
  • Executive Officer

Open Women

  • Assistant Coach
  • Pitching Coach
  • Executive Officer

If you are a coach who wishes  to express their interest and register please follow our two step process:

1. Complete and submit all necessary documents outlined in “BQ Coach Selection Criteria’.
Click here to download BQ Coach Selection Criteria.

2. Complete the online registration process. Click here to access online registration process

Applications close Sunday 21st of July 2019.

If you require additional information please contact Shayne Watson, BQ High Performance Manager

Vale Pat Nilsson

Vale Pat Nilsson

The baseball community in Queensland is in mourning at the passing of Pat Nilsson.

Pat is known for being the mother and grandmother of the most famous name in Australian Baseball.

45 years after her first son Bob made a name for himself, her grandkids to this day are still doing the same.

She loved the game and was always close by when her kids were playing. In the early days when Pat had four young boys playing baseball or teeball and two daughters playing softball she was either in the canteen or scoring. It was in the early 1980’s when Pat took on the Scorer’s role at Claxton Shield level. Pat was Scorer for the Brisbane Clippers in the inaugural Australian Baseball League in 1989 and Pat treasured the role so much as all four of her sons were part of that team.

Pat continued in the Scorer’s role when her youngest son David was playing Schoolboys baseball and stayed on scoring until her grandchildren started coming through the ranks. In 2005 Pat was honoured by Queensland School Sport and made a Life Member, something Pat cherished very much.

In between scoring Pat was always seen at the baseball field watching her sons play. In their retirement years Timmy and Pat would travel around Australia to tournaments watching her grandsons play for Queensland. Pat loved her family and loved nothing more than being at a baseball game. Pat could often be seen more recently at Holloway Field watching the Brisbane Bandits, coached by David and joined by grandsons Jay, Mitchell, Daniel and Jacob all at one time being part of the team. Pat leaves behind four sons, two daughters, 15 grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.

On behalf of the wider baseball community Baseball Queensland extends our sincerest condolences to Pat’s family and friends.

The family welcome anyone that wants to attend the funeral service on Friday 28 June to please contact Baseball Queensland for further details of the service.

Acceleration Partners with Baseball Queensland

Acceleration Partners with Baseball Queensland

Baseball Queensland (BQ) is delighted to announce a partnership with Acceleration. This partnership will see Acceleration engage with BQ through player pathway programs providing strength and conditioning programs.

Acceleration’s vision for Baseball Queensland athletes is to ensure all our athletes become faster, stronger and healthier than in previous years.

Acceleration will be providing sessions within the areas of Speed development, Strength development, Injury reduction sessions, Educational sessions and other holistic physical development strategies for our athletes through the player pathway.

Shayne Watson, BQ’s High Performance Manager, is delighted to be partnering with Acceleration and knows that their involvement will give our athletes a greater opportunity to succeed.

“Continuing and evolving our working relationship with Acceleration, BQ has partnered with this credible organization again this year to assist with the delivery and designing of our Strength & Conditioning Programs throughout the Pathway. Partnering again with Acceleration, but through a long-term agreement, we will have access to their accredited Strength & Conditioning coaches providing opportunities for an increased number of athletes fostering a Long-Term Athlete Development framework. “

Managing Director for Acceleration, Stewart Briggs is excited to grow the relationship with Baseball Queensland and see our athletes grow from strength to strength.

Baseball is dear to the hearts of Acceleration. Not only do we have a player amongst our staff in Daniel Nilsson, but I also have fond memories of training my first US College Conference Championship team with the sport of baseball. I also feel that Acceleration plays a vital role in a development of baseball players, because a baseball player MUST be able to hit and throw a baseball to an adequate level to be able to move up through the ranks of the sport. That probably makes your training sessions with Acceleration one of your most important sessions of the week in terms of improving performance today and into the future. To have the opportunity to work with Baseball Queensland is so exciting because we feel that we can help many young baseball players through the various programs we have organised together.

Baseball Queensland is determined to build a better future for baseball. This begins with having healthy and strong bodies take the field. BQ CEO, Paul Gonzalez knows the impact that quality strength and conditioning can make on the individual athlete.

“Exposing our athletes to industry leaders in strength & conditioning through reputable providers who are passionate about our sport is essential. Our partnership with Acceleration will provide fantastic opportunities for not only the individuals in our player pathway to become better athletes but will see a collective improvement across our representative teams and programs.”

Acceleration begins their involvement with Baseball Queensland’s State Performance Squads this month.