Brisbane Knee and Shoulder Clinic Partners with Baseball Queensland.

Brisbane Knee and Shoulder Clinic Partners with Baseball Queensland.

Dear Baseball Queensland Members and Participants

Baseball Queensland is committed to continuing to improve the services we provide to our members and participants. We are particularly focused on opportunities that are relevant and add value, therefore I am pleased to advise that Baseball Queensland has partnered with Brisbane Knee and Shoulder Clinic to offer sport-specific treatment for athletes.

The Brisbane Knee & Shoulder Clinic is led by Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr. Kelly MacGroarty on Wickham Terrace, Brisbane.  Dr. MacGroarty is a specialist knee and shoulder Orthopaedic Surgeon.

Common surgical treatments such as ACL reconstruction after sporting injuries, shoulder reconstruction after dislocations, knee and shoulder arthroscopies and joint replacement surgery are the cornerstone of Dr. MacGroarty’s practice.

His priority is the prompt diagnosis, treatment and management of all knee and shoulder complaints. He achieves this goal by working closely with all referring GPs, physiotherapists and sports physicians.

Dr MacGroarty runs the Brisbane Knee & Shoulder Clinic out of his rooms at the St Andrews War Memorial Hospital on Wickham Terrace, Brisbane. The clinic has arrangements with several radiology providers to enable patients to access scanning services on an urgent basis. He also sees patients at Greenslopes in the Specialty Clinics at the Greenslopes Private Hospital.

This partnership between BQ and Brisbane Knee and Shoulder Clinic will see Baseball Queensland members have access to the very best in Knee and Shoulder care at a discounted rate. The partnership provides the connection for Queensland baseballers to receive the best in assessment and outcome when it comes to injuries, surgery and rehabilitation.

To connect with the Knee and Shoulder Clinic please see the details below:

Online Booking Form:


QScan partners with Baseball Queensland.

QScan partners with Baseball Queensland.

Baseball Queensland (BQ) is delighted to announce a partnership with Qscan.

QScan Radiology Clinics are a comprehensive Diagnostic Medical Imaging & Interventional Practice with multiple clinics in South-East Queensland and additional QScan Group partner clinics elsewhere in Australia. We are a dynamic organization driven by clarity of vision and values that focus on providing compassionate care for our patients and excellence for our referrers.

These healthcare objectives are achieved through our subspecialty trained Radiologists and highly trained clinical and support staff. We utilize the latest information technology and state of the art medical imaging equipment.

The radiology services include:

Digital X-ray, Ultrasound, Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Nuclear Medicine, Positron Emission Tomography (PET-CT), Bone Mineral Density (BMD), Orthopantomogram (OPG), Dental, Cone Beam, Interventional Radiology and other specialized health services.

The partnership between BQ and QScan will see Baseball Queensland members have access to the very best in diagnostic medical imaging and interventional practices at a discounted rate. The partnership provides a connection for Queensland baseballers to receive the best in Digital X-ray, CT and other radiology practices.

Baseball Queensland CEO, Paul Gonzalez is excited to have Baseball Queensland connected to the very best care.

“Baseball Queensland looks forward to the continued focus of building strong partnerships for all our members as part of BQ vision of Building a better future for baseball.”

To connect with the QScan please see the details below:


QSports Medicine Clinic partners with Baseball Queensland.

QSports Medicine Clinic partners with Baseball Queensland.

Baseball Queensland (BQ) is proud to announce its’ partnership with QSports Medicine.

Qsports Medicine is the largest sports medicine clinic in Brisbane. It is involved closely with a wide variety of high-profile sporting organizations.

QSports Medicine specialists have received specialist training in sports and exercise medicine, treating recreation and elite athletes, as well as patients with non-sports related musculoskeletal disorders. Sports and Exercise Medicine training includes how medical problems may impact on activity e.g. asthma and which medications to use.

QSports Medicine promotes injury prevention (essential in junior sport), has an evidence-based approach and a multi-disciplinary team care. Other aspects that are involved in our specialty includes musculoskeletal injections, ASADA responsibilities, baseline testing e.g. concussion and specialized testing for diagnosis of difficult musculoskeletal problems.

QSports also is involved in workplace and military medicine. A doctor’s referral for the sports physicians (not registrars) is not essential but highly recommended as it may make further investigation significantly cheaper.

The partnership between BQ and QSports Medicine will see Baseball Queensland’s members have access to the very best in medical services, a 25% discount will be given off the consultation fee of the treating doctor.

Baseball Queensland CEO, Paul Gonzalez is excited to have Queensland Baseballers connected to the very best care.

“Baseball Queensland is excited to partner with Qsports Medicine Clinic, BQ vision is in Building a better future for baseball and Qsports Medicine Clinic enables us to continue to not only focus on supporting our athletes on field but offield as well”

BQ looks forward to the continued development of our partnership with QSports Medicine Clinic and will continue to leverage opportunities to support all our members into the future.

Dr. Richard Brown shared his thoughts about the partnership between QSports and Baseball Queensland.

“QSports is very proud to be associated with Baseball Queensland. We aim to
give baseball members the best of care, a safe environment and the ability to enjoy a wonderful sport.”

To connect with the Qsports Medicine please see the details below:


Activate Queensland: Emerging Athlete Pathways

Activate Queensland: Emerging Athlete Pathways

Do you know a talented young athlete who needs help with their sporting travel costs?

Emerging Athlete Pathways is a Queensland Government initiative that aims to assist young Queensland athletes on their pathway to elite success. The travel subsidy provides financial assistance to athletes and officials under the age of 18 who face long travel times to get to competitions.

Eligible athletes or officials who need to travel at least 250km one way to their event can apply for up to $200 for a state or state school event, $400 for a national or national school event, or $600 for an international event.

Based on community feedback, the Queensland Government has improved the subsidy, with Emerging Athlete Pathways trialling pre-event payments from January 2020 for eligible events.

By supporting young athletes, the Queensland Government aims to assist the next generation of Queensland’s sporting talent and inspire others to lead an active lifestyle.

Pathways for athletes, coaches and officials also helps ensure young athletes are attracted to and stay in Queensland as their home state, and keeps Queensland winning.

The program is now open.

It’s all part of Activate! Queensland 2019–2029, the Queensland Government’s 10-year strategy to get more Queenslanders moving, more often.

Find out more about the travel subsidy program at


Application process

Through the community consultation process for Activate! Queensland, athletes told us it would be helpful to receive their travel subsidy before travelling.

As a result of this feedback, Emerging Athlete Pathways will see a trial of pre-event payments come into effect from 23 January 2020.

To view the current list of eligible events, check your own eligibility, or apply for the subsidy, visit

Adding an eligible event to the events list

  • Noting that applications for the subsidy can take up to 10 weeks to process and with applicants unable to apply for pre-event payment less than 8 weeks from the event, it is vital that event nominators provide event details to Sport and Recreation well in advance to ensure they are available for pre-event payment.
  • Details can be supplied now via a full 12-month calendar of events or, as events are locked in.
  • If event details are not supplied sufficiently in advance, applicants may not be eligible for pre-payment but they can still apply for post-event payment as per the current program arrangement.
  • Applicants can apply for the subsidy up to 16 weeks prior to an event and six months post-event.
HP Manager Acknowledgement: AYC

HP Manager Acknowledgement: AYC

I would firstly like to acknowledge both Teams who competed at their best during the Nationals. I was quietly proud of the player’s efforts. It was fantastic to see both U16 and U18 play off for the Gold. Our coaching staff did an awesome job in preparing the teams over the last 12 weeks.

A big thank you to our Head Coach’s, Dan Wilson (U16) and David Badke (U18) who were fantastic in managing playing time whilst balancing each players performance.

Personally, it is positive to see how far all the players have come since early 2019. The off season programs have played a massive part in setting a foundation for their success. Though it was a fantastic result and memories have been created, this year was just a blip on the radar for our young baseballers progressing through the Pathway Programs and beyond. Our aim is for our individual players striving for positive holistic outcomes and I am expecting this year’s result will assist with their progression.

I will be sitting down with the coaching staff shortly to review the program. The outcomes from this meeting will commence the early stages of preparation for our 2020 Off Season Programs.

Before the Off Season commences, we still have our Youth and Open Women Teams preparing for their Nationals. The Youth Team are looking at repeating their results and our Open Team have put together a plan to improve their result from 2019

Lastly I would like to acknowledge all the parents supporting our Pathway Programs. Your support is always greatly appreciated.

Thank you to all who contributed and made it a memorable Australian Youth Championships.

High Performance Manager
Shayne Watson