BQ Constitutional Review Subcommittee.

BQ Constitutional Review Subcommittee.

After Friday’s Special General Meeting, the BQ Board are asking for Club Presidents to nominate, to their applicable Regional President, a delegate who has expressed interest in participating in the Constitution Review Subcommittee, to be headed by a Baseball QLD Board Director yet to be determined.

Each Regional Committee will then nominate one (1) member for appointment to the committee to be ratified by the Board of Baseball QLD. The subcommittee with the appointed responsible Director will be included in finalising the subcommittee’s terms of reference for approval by the Board. I have attached a draft terms of reference document to assist with an understanding of the type of work the committee will be tasked with. These terms of reference will be reviewed by the committee once appointed, with the Board considering any recommended changes put forward by the subcommittee.

The Subcommittee will then present recommendations to the Board and Regional Delegates to be ratified through a Special General Meeting in the future.

Given the nature of the task, the ideal candidates will have experience or expertise in Corporate Governance, Operating Not for Profit Organisations and an understanding of the current structure of Baseball Queensland.

Regional Presidents, please email with your nominations by COB 10 August 2020.

Terms of Reference – Constitution Review Committee

BQ Constitutional Review Subcommittee.

2020-21 Capitations

Baseball Queensland is now pleased to share that the capitations structure for the 2020-21 season has been set by the Baseball Queensland Board of Management.
Click the link below to access the 2020-21 Capitations document.

This document also houses the current 2020-21 Age matrix.

Capitations 2020-21

Active Restart Infrastructure Recovery Fund

Active Restart Infrastructure Recovery Fund

The Active Restart Infrastructure Recovery Fund provides not-for-profit sport and recreation organisations with funding for minor upgrade, repair or maintenance works and equipment to assist in re-engaging Queenslanders in physical activity.

The program is part of the Queensland Government’s $51.3 million Sport and Recreation COVID SAFE Restart Plan.

Whether it’s marquees for a fundraising event, white goods for the canteen, or a fresh coat of paint for the clubhouse, the Queensland Government is supporting up to 3,000 clubs with funding to improve their facilities and purchase relevant equipment to encourage Queenslanders to return to play.

The Active Restart Infrastructure Recovery Fund provides funding of up to $20,000 per organisation for minor upgrades, repairs and maintenance works and equipment to help re-engage Queenslanders in physical activity.

Projects may include the purchase of equipment to deliver new activities or events, assist in facility maintenance, or reduce operational costs.

Priorities for the program will be to share funding equally between Regional and South East Queensland, across activities and on those projects that will benefit as many clubs and participants as possible.

An email will be sent to all clubs who are registered with Sport and Recreation to receive updates but we would also appreciate you promoting the program throughout your networks. State or National sport and recreation bodies are not eligible to apply under this program.

To find out more about the Recovery Fund and to direct clubs where to apply, visit

Applications close 7 August 2020.

Active Restart Inf Rec Fund-factsheet

Active Restart Infrastructure Recovery Fund guidelines

BQ Constitutional Review Subcommittee.

Amended Agenda For The Special General Meeting

To all Baseball Queensland Members, Life Members and Board of Management,

Please find attached the amended agenda for the Special General Meeting, that clarifies the position of the requisition signatories in calling this meeting.

Secretary’s are asked to please forward this notice to their Regional Representatives/Delegates.

Life Members have been blind copied into this email to protect their privacy. Postal advice will be issued to Mr. Tim Bassingthwaighte’s address.

Click here for the BQ Special General Meeting Amended Agenda

BQ Constitutional Review Subcommittee.

U15 Female Development Program

Baseball Queensland is pleased to promote our U15 Female Development Program. Our aim is to help upskill, encourage and engage our youth aged female players. This program is open for all players who fit the category.

The program will run from the 8th of August until the 12th of September. Sessions will be held on Saturday’s from 2 pm – 4 pm at Bannister Park (Gerler Rd, Hendra.)

To register click the link: