Call made on #AYC2021

Call made on #AYC2021

Initial Story from

The 2021 Australian Youth Championship has been cancelled and will be replaced with a range of localised content to ensure the development of the country’s up-and-coming talent is not negatively impacted.

Baseball Australia and the state and territory bodies have unanimously agreed to the move – which comes in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic – following an extensive review which included consultation of athletes and teams that would likely have featured in the event.

Instead a range of local events will be held in each market to ensure players are afforded the opportunity to continue their development.

Baseball Australia performance pathways and player development general manager Michael Crooks said a number of factors came into the decision, including health implications, logistical challenges presented by quarantine measures and financial risk.

“It’s a bitterly disappointing outcome,” he said.

“But our goal now is to ensure with the support of states and territories we provide enough opportunities to affected athletes to continue their development.

“By doing this we can minimise the long-term disruption on our up-and-coming prospects and keep open the pathway they’ve worked so hard to climb.”

The tournament, which traditionally takes place during the January school holiday period and includes U-16 and U-18 age brackets, will be replaced by local series.

Details for the local series will be released in coming weeks but each event would be preceded by a showcase for college and professional scouts.

The local series will see each market’s top talent given the chance to go head-to-head.

Following the events the U-16 and U-18 National Junior Squads will be selected from the participants.

Both squads would be invited to a camp in Canberra over the Easter period should government restrictions allow it.

The squads, subject to restrictions, would also head to Florida for a Perfect Game event prior to the U-18 World Cup later in the year.

If international border restrictions prevented it, athletes would again attend a National Junior Squad camp in Canberra.

Crooks said Baseball Australia’s strong relationship with technology providers would ensure international exposure for players.

“Through our technology partnerships Rapsodo and Driveline’s TRAQ software will allow player profiling to be produced for all players competing in the local competitions,” Crooks said.

“This information will be collated and distributed to the professional scouting and college network to ensure international exposure for all players.

“This will minimise the medium to long-term impact on the development of our junior talent.”

Baseball Australia is working closely with the performance pathway systems in each state and territory to lock in details of local series.

BQ Refund Policy

BQ Refund Policy

Baseball Queensland would like to present our updated Refund Policy to include information in regards to COVID19 and season scenarios that may involve a need to be refunded.

Click here to view the document.
Refund Policy 2020

Call made on #AYC2021

BQ Appoints Two Casual Board Members

Baseball Queensland (BQ) is proud to announce the addition of two new casual Board of Management members.

BQ welcomes Rodney Gaunt and Liam Hibbert who were appointed to Casual Vacancies on the BQ Board on August 10, 2020. Rodney will Chair the Constitutional review sub-committee and Liam will add his considerable Financial expertise to the financial management of the organisation.

Rodney Gaunt has been a key person in the strength and direction of the GBL competition as Chairman of the GBL Committee for the last 4 years. This is just a small contribution to baseball that Rodney has since picking up a bat and ball as a 13-year-old boy and is still playing today. With roles across all aspects of Baseball, involving Coaching, Executive Officer, President of West Brisbane Regional Baseball, Director of the Melbourne Monarchs in the inaugural ABL and is a life member of Baseball Victoria to name a few we are excited for Rodney to bring his wealth of expertise and experience to our Board of Management.

Liam Hibbert brings a wealth of experience with a significant resume involving operational experience including Leadership, Project, Analyst, Management Reporting, and Financial Accounting activities within BHP Billiton, MMG Limited & Cricket Australia. Liam’s qualified as a Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA) with a Bachelor of Commerce (Major: Accounting / Economics). Liam is currently the Chief Operating Officer of Queensland Cricket. Liam’s financial expertise will be a welcome addition to our board’s current successful financial capabilities.

BQ welcomes both Rodney and Liam to the Board of Management are excited as we all continue to build a better future for baseball in Queensland.

2020 Supplementary Volunteer Grants

2020 Supplementary Volunteer Grants

For more information on the grant click here

Applications close 11.59PM AEST 20 September 2020

The Australian Government has provided Volunteering Queensland with funding to administer a Supplementary Grants program to volunteer involving organisations.

The purpose of the funding is to support the efforts of Queensland’s volunteers as well as to encourage and increase participation in volunteering by on-funding grants to provide small amounts of money that organisations and community groups can use to help their volunteers.

The supplementary volunteer grants are designed to support volunteer involving organisations with a high proportion (over 40%) of volunteers to:

  • Help support the efforts of Australia’s volunteers
  • Help support the inclusion of vulnerable people through volunteering
  • Encourage, support and increase participation in volunteering
  • Post COVID-19 re-engagement activities for volunteers, and
  • Adapting practices to support volunteers safety in relation to COVID-19.

The intended outcome of the grants is to strengthen community functioning by increasing participation in volunteering.


About the grants

Grants of between $1,000 – $5,000 are available to enable volunteer involving organisations to strengthen community functioning by increasing participation in volunteering. A total pool of $497,250 will be available within Queensland.


Who is eligible to apply for a grant?

Organisations must meet the following criteria to apply:

  • At least 40% of the organisation’s workforce must be volunteers
  • Be a not-for-profit organisation, non-corporate State/ Territory Statutory Authority, Corporate Commonwealth Entity or Corporate State/ Territory Entity
  • Have an Australian Business Number (ABN) or be willing to provide a Statement by Supplier Form (reason for not quoting an ABN). Please refer to the Australian Tax Office for further information
  • Have an account with an Australian Financial Institution.


Selection process

Assessments will be undertaken through a competitive grant process.

Prior to applications being reviewed by the selection panel(s), consideration will be given to the following criteria:

  • Organisations that provide support to Indigenous people
  • Organisations with a high ratio of volunteers
  • The size of organisations
  • Value of the grant
  • Organisations providing volunteer programs that support vulnerable people
  • Organisations that involve vulnerable people in their volunteer programs.

For more information on the grant click here

Senior League Select

Senior League Select

Baseball Queensland is introducing Senior League Select, a new 10-week Draft program to create a next-level playing opportunity for the Senior League age group. Players will nominate for selection, with evaluation for most players occurring at the 2020 U16 State Titles. Players not present at the State Titles may still nominate; selection input will be sought from relevant coaching staff. The selection process will help identify 44 Program athletes who are ‘drafted’ to one of four teams.
The Senior League Select Program will include ten (10) games at above club ability level, to be played on Friday evenings (9 October through 11 December) at a central location.
Expressions of interest are open for both players and coaching staff. Nominations are required by Monday 21 September 2020.
For further information please contact the BQ Participation Committee Secretary, Andrea Marshall (
Links for EOI: