BQ Qld Masters A Huge Hit!

BQ Qld Masters A Huge Hit!

For four brilliant Autumn days at the Surfers Paradise Baseball Club, eight Masters baseball teams played each other in the inaugural Qld Masters Games.

The venue was in pristine condition and many thanks to the Surfers Paradise ground crew for their brilliant preparation.

The following teams played:-

35+ Age Division

Good Bunts

Surfers Paradise


Riptides Sunshine Coast


45+ Age Division

Surfers Paradise 45+

Surfers Paradise 55+


Western Districts


The first two days; Friday and Saturday saw teams play a single and double header day – often a bit of a stretch for Masters players.

Day three saw the semi-finals games played on Sunday – with games shortened to one and a half hours due to the Anzac Day moratorium for sport being played before 1.00pm.

Day four of the tournament saw the medal games being played with the following results:-

In the 35+ Age Division – Surfers played Good Bunts. In a tight match where the lead changed at least four times, Surfers came away with the win with some strong hitting, driving in the winning run late in the game. Riptides came away with the Bronze medal in another tight game winning by a single run.

In the 45+ Age Division, Surfers 55+ led all game only to see Robina score two runs in the last innings to win the game. Great pitching duel in this game – Geoff Wade vs Vogler & Callihan. Wests came away with a win in the other game taking the Bronze medal.

35+ Age Division

  1. Surfers Paradise                      Gold medal
  2. Good Bunts                              Silver medal
  3. Riptides Sunshine Coast          Bronze medal
  4. Redlands


45+ Age Division

  1. Robina                                     Gold medal
  2. Surfers Paradise 55+               Silver medal
  3. Western Districts                    Bronze medal
  4. Surfers Paradise 45+


We were very fortunate to have Surfers State MP – Rob Molhoek and Surfers local Councillor – Brooke Patterson – come along and watch the 35+ Gold medal game and subsequently hand out the Gold and Silver medals for both age groups. Thanks too to BQ CEQ – Gareth Jones for his support and attendance on the medals day together with BQ Director Andrea Marshall and her support across the event.

More importantly the days were spent with good friends, fantastic food from the happy and friendly Surfers Paradise canteen and bar staff watching some wonderful baseball and having great yarns about the “good old days”.

Congratulations to Surfers President – Tony McPhail – for his indefatigable work – both leading up to the event with regard to creating the draw and finalising tournament rules and spearheading his Surfers volunteers in getting the venue in first class playing conditions – as well as his work throughout the tournament ensuring teams played by the rules, the games stayed on time and the grounds were repaired ready to go for the next game.

This tournament is now on the baseball calendar and we do hope that many more teams come along next year to participate.

A great time was had by all!

SQWBL Registrations are now open

SQWBL Registrations are now open

SQWBL ( South QLD Winter Baseball League ) Registrations are now open for current Club Members and New Players.

Southern Queensland Winter Baseball League (SQWBL Inc) is a social league promoting grassroots baseball in Brisbane between May-August each year
> Male and Female 15+ Years of age at Season start.
> Games are played North and South side of Brisbane.
> 3 Grades of League ability available.

Register at this Link :
For more information please visit :



A unique relationship has provided Baseball Queensland with the opportunity to host the largest baseball tournament in the country over the past weekend with 48 teams converging on Redcliffe Padres Baseball Club and Redcliffe Leagues Softball Association’s facilities for the Queensland Little League Pathway State Titles. This event was played across 13 fields with teams from Teeball right through Senior League (League age 16) making the most of the superbly manicured fields and a broad selection of food options available from the well-oiled machine, that was the canteen.

This opportunity to bring the baseball community together in one place was only made possible by access to the Softball facilities adjacent to the Baseball club. The ongoing relationship between the two diamond sport clubs has allowed each the opportunity to leverage the facilities of the other to deliver key events for their respective sports. The collaboration demonstrated by these two organisations demonstrates the advantages and strength of building a collaborative relationship with aligned community groups and partners. On behalf of the Baseball community, I want to express sincere thanks to both the Redcliffe Padres Baseball Club and the Redcliffe Leagues Softball Association,  their volunteers and committees for all their work in hosting such a successful event.

Events such as these State Titles would not be possible without the support of the Queensland Government and the Moreton Bay Regional Council who support these events and continue to make it possible for Baseball Queensland to improve the delivery of these events. Moreton Bay Regional Council being integral to securing the event for the Region.

Thanks must also go to the officials for the event; firstly for undertaking the training requisite to officiate at this level, but also for giving up their time to Umpire and Score games throughout the event. Your support is gratefully acknowledged. Special thanks to Barry Foat and Mark Bramwell, who coordinated and mentored the Umpire group over the course of the event. Thanks also to Michelle Welch for coordinating the Scoring efforts for the weekend and assisting other Scorers in need of advice.

While I hope the parents, spectators, participants and coaches enjoyed the experience immensely, I would also like to thank everyone involved for their exemplary behaviour over the course of the event. There is so much to play for at these events and sometimes the excitement of the moment can see grown adults get carried away with emotion. While there was lots of excitement throughout the event, the games were played in the spirit of good sportsmanship.

On behalf of Baseball Queensland, thank you to everyone involved.

QLD LLPC Online Survey

QLD LLPC Online Survey

The Queensland Little League Pathway Championships was the largest baseball event run in the country and we believe that players had a fantastic time with fantastic games, making new friends and growing as baseball players.

With this in mind, we want to create a space for anyone who was involved to share their experience and offer any insight that could be helpful in building this tournament for the future.

Please click the link below to complete the short survey. We appreciate your time in doing so and plan to share the details within the survey answers asap.

Click here to complete the online survey

Quartet close in on World Cup

Quartet close in on World Cup

Original story from

Four Redcliffe Padres are in an Australian Under 18 baseball squad ahead of the WBSC World Cup, being held in Florida from September 10-19.

Padres’ Joel Hogan, Luke Smith, Lachlan Wilson and Ben Walmsley (main picture), are among 60 players named for a training camp at the AIS in Canberra on April 3-11.

It is believed to be highest number of players Padres have had selected at one time for such a squad.

“We are incredibly proud and consider it both a testament to their dedication and also the strength of our club’s junior talent,” said David West, Padres’ Junior Director of Coaching.

“Player retention and skill development in a fun, inclusive learning environment are Padres’ top priorities.”

Baseball is big part of Lachlan Wilson’s family. His parents Dan and Katrina are on club and regional committees as well as being life members with grandparents Keith and Christine Sharpe.

Joel Hogan joined Redcliffe from Pine Rivers, where his mum has been president for many years and has also represented the region as an umpire at state titles.

Luke Smith is from the Sunshine Coast and switched from softball after representing his school region at baseball.

Ben Walmsley was a Windsor Royal, but this year joined Padres to have a greater opportunity to pitch.

Padres may have more to celebrate with their Senior League Under 17 Division One Red side through to the grand final having beaten Windsor Royals.

Padres White side just missed the finals in the same division despite beating Padres Red 7-2 in one of their final fixtures of the regular season.